a typical load of firewood,went out with one today,price was 200euros inc delivery,this was NOT ash,it was a mixed hardwood load,ok i do 3 types of firewood for sale,here is what we sell and the prices to give an idea.we only sell by the bulk bag (tonne bag) large white bag with straps,you sometimes see them with stone in them or sand.
ASH - 85euros per bag (not inc delivery costs)
beech,birtch,whitethorn,sycamore,etc - 65euros a bag (not inc delivery)
spruce/FIR/pine softwoods
@ 45euros per bag (again not inc delivery costs)
delivery costs depend on distance,here is a load we prepared today of mixed hardwood @ 65euros per bag,i have two traliers i can take 3 bags in this one and 6 bags in my other larger tralier,this tralier is the more popular load,and it usually keeps customers going for the winter,if they take the ASH it would maybe last longer.ASH is the most expensive.
as i said here is the load of mixed hardwood we prepared today @ 65euros per bag.we got 20euros extra to deliver,we included a free bag of kindeling 25kg's.
3 tonne bags of mixed hardwood (no ash)