land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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365sp in full swing as usual....never misses a beat!








Interesting grain on that tree.
I always get the feeling we should change logger12345 to "Wilson".

Pictures & Photos from Home Improvement - IMDb

The goat is hilarious. I keep looking at that mess and thinking man they should throw up a couple wires and turn loose 30 goats. That would take care of a lot of that scrub and brush. And you could eat em when they are done! I just saw an experiment in our nearby State land where they "lease" a herd of goats to clear off the brush and invasive species. Worked wonders, it is a beautiful cleared forest perfect for the deer to come back in now.
wilson? LOL.....why? and who is he?

yes goats are funny creatures,he does nothing BUT eat,the place isn't too bad,most of the really bushy spots we
don't need to go all the time,pictures don't do the place any justice,the last pics u posted up here it was just in the evening when i only stayed for an hour,so wasn't even geared up properly or anything,as i say not much time to take pics now these days,havn't the time..... lol

i got a notification of a reply here through my e-mail,handy way to keep up to date in here :)
You can click the link and see a picture of him. He is behind the fence. Popular TV show here in the 1990's, Home Improvement starring Tim the Tool Man Taylor. The neighbor is Wilson, only known as Wilson, later to be properly identified as Wilson Wilson Jr. A recurring theme is his face is never revealed throughout the entire run of the show. Hard to drag out a gag for 9-10 seasons but they did. I am waiting to hear your on the interpol list or being hunted by a wealthy potato farmer with a grudge.

now that was a funny post johnico......

not to worry,everything is above board here,it's actually instructions from herself (the other half/ better half) LOL not to put our pics up on the internet to strangers,i have seen some people having some issues on certain websites before where they had pics posted around of them etc....maybe we are just a paranoid couple this way...

i will post up a pic when i get time,it's not fair for the readers here to not know who they are talking to! :D

i could look like frankenstein for all you lads know behind the mask hehe :D
I always get the feeling we should change logger12345 to "Wilson".

Pictures & Photos from Home Improvement - IMDb

The goat is hilarious. I keep looking at that mess and thinking man they should throw up a couple wires and turn loose 30 goats. That would take care of a lot of that scrub and brush. And you could eat em when they are done! I just saw an experiment in our nearby State land where they "lease" a herd of goats to clear off the brush and invasive species. Worked wonders, it is a beautiful cleared forest perfect for the deer to come back in now.

You got me laughing at the "eat em when they are done" comment. :ices_rofl:
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cold & wet november.

husqvarna 365sp - NEW husqvarna 445 xtorq

so things here right now have been very busy as usual,the month so far has been terribly wet....impossible to access certain aeras,we are lucky though with a good solid enough passageway in to the woods.

so here today we arrived and dropped this LARGE pine tree,towering over everything else at aprox 50+feet it sure was a biggie,extremly big pine tree,i assume scots pine cause we don't get them as large as this here,it was a shame for it to have to come down but this was the instructions i got to take them down,the farm needs to be cleared and that's it...
i was sad enough to cut it but as i say it had to be done,i know that it was going to come down anyway eventually with the wind and storms over the winter,as of now everything else around it within a 50 yard radius is cleared so they are open now with no shelter they used to have. anyway let's see some pics of todays work. we started at 9:30am and finished cause we had to go away and do other things at 11am,not a bad mornings work.
i have video footage too of all this so this will be uploaded later on at some point.

large pine tree,very dangerous to drop,if you look you can see me vaguely under it.



this is huge,it towers over everything else,and the ASH trees are damn tall!!


hinge cut


and down she came with a loud thud.......


nice and safe,it fell as i wanted it to,all went perfect.



445 is a lightening fast limber.....




tree is HUGE....



other end of the tree (TIP)

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Great that nothing happend! Great pics as usual. I'm not sure but it seems that your hindge cut is a little deep.


edit: I see your saw is still running with the carbon modification. ;) Still happy with the repair?
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445 is a very fast limber....cutting up now from the tip of the tree back...






445 xtorqe making fast work of the top of the tree.....


yes it sure was,good observation,don't copy me or set me as a safe example here,reason for small hinge aera was i used no wedges,i judged which way the wind was blowing too and that helped me get away with not using wedges,in future i will though just to be safer and more cautious,it worked out as i intended anyway,the deep hinge made it fall on it's own and saftly this way today.

so comes for the end of the 445's work here,now the rest is too large and will need the 365sp





lot of wood in this..... wow....



still cutting with 365sp,only 1/4 ways if even in from the tip now





that's all i got done today,might cut more of it tomorrow,just 1/4 ways in from the top of it,WOW some serious amount of timber in this's huge.

i hope people won't start 'fault finding' here,the thread is intended to product lots of pictures and work here from people who work everyday around saws and make a living from it,ok so i am not the safest example at times,this is a problem that comes with chainsaw work,sometimes to save time we take the fastest route.

in future here i will be wearing chaps,and will always use wedges to fall any trees i cut,as i say some times experience makes you lazy dropping trees,that's not a good thing cause saftey is NUMBER ONE.
neverthe less we got it down saftely and productively.
Seems you didn't see my edit. How happy are you with your carbon repair? Is it still holding up? Didn't want to start a safety discusion.

so tomorrow,we will cut more of this HUGE pine tree,i am as seen on the pics cutting it up now in rings from the tip of the tree back so it's going to be a challenge for my 365sp now soon,it will be much longer than the 24" bar now soon.going to be serious amount of wood in it.great!!

tomorrow though first i need to make access to another part of the woods,some very large ASH trees needs to be accessed to cut next week,so i will be using a clearing saw tomorrow (strimmers with steel disc) to clear the new passage way in.
should be a tough day tomorrow,good thing no deliveries tomorrow now so we can get more work done.

will update again soon

logger :)

yeah 7sleeper,the carbon handle on the 365sp is great,a great fix for sure,no more problems!
cold & wet november.

husqvarna 365sp - NEW husqvarna 445 xtorq

so things here right now have been very busy as usual,the month so far has been terribly wet....impossible to access certain aeras,we are lucky though with a good solid enough passageway in to the woods.

so here today we arrived and dropped this LARGE pine tree,towering over everything else at aprox 50+feet it sure was a biggie,extremly big pine tree,i assume scots pine cause we don't get them as large as this here,it was a shame for it to have to come down but this was the instructions i got to take them down,the farm needs to be cleared and that's it...
i was sad enough to cut it but as i say it had to be done,i know that it was going to come down anyway eventually with the wind and storms over the winter,as of now everything else around it within a 50 yard radius is cleared so they are open now with no shelter they used to have. anyway let's see some pics of todays work. we started at 9:30am and finished cause we had to go away and do other things at 11am,not a bad mornings work.
i have video footage too of all this so this will be uploaded later on at some point.

large pine tree,very dangerous to drop,if you look you can see me vaguely under it.


logger 12345,
.....just curious, did you measure the length/height of the tree after you dropped it? Whenever I get a chance to cut down a "good sized tree" I like to put a tape measure on it know what it actually was. :msp_thumbup: Good job getting it down safely.
hey nhlocal,

thanks,yeah will measure the length tomorrow,it was my intention to measure it but forgot my tape measure!!! ahh..will have it tomorrow with me :) the bottom of it is at the same place minus the stump that i can roughly add on when i measure it,will update with my next post. :D

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so i measuered the length of that large pine tree today,it measured in at 85feet tall!!!!
yep,a biggie alright...

just cut one ring off the large end of it today then i had to go do some work on the digger.
we decided to bring over our mini 3tonne excavator to clear up another side of the woods,what a day!! i got it all done though,must just dig a few drains now in the morning and make a few new entrances in to the woods and i am ready to go again cutting.

some pics of the new passage i cleared today.

was very wet today,so it was a good time to bring over my digger.





just cut one large ring off this before i went on the digger this morning.

one slice off of this huge 85foot pine tree ....


measures over 3feet wide.


ohh some wood in this bad boy!!



then i went in the digger and started clearing a road not used since late 1800's hehe


no longer a road now,but a muddy passage only to be travelled by a capable offroad veichle.


the digger made fast work of it though,faster than all i cleared in the past with a chainsaw!!! was i mad.....

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