440 vs 445
445 is a lightening fast limber.....
Which saw do you like better? 440 or 445
445 is a lightening fast limber.....
Which saw do you like better? 440 or 445
445 is a lightening fast limber.....
Which saw do you like better? 440 or 445
the 445 is a much better saw,the clutch is larger,much improved,doesn't bog now at all in anything the 15" bar length,the old 440 suffered a lot of bogging and used anoy me,the clutch in the 440 was toyish.
the fuel gauge is better cause it's longer and tells you exactly when the saw is empty,the 440 used read empty but it could still have 10mins of fuel in it.
the airfilter is better on the 445,all on top and gets clogged less,the element is facing upwards and is less prone to getting clogged,it has the compression release valve which is good cause they can be tough to start.
the engine is only a few cc's bigger but you can feel the extra power,it's better.
IMO the 445 is just an updated version of the 440,things husqvarna decided to improve i think on the 440.
the two chainsaws are superb,they never miss a beat.i sharpened them today the 365sp with a 7/32nd oregon file and the 445xtorque with a 3/16th file,both saws are more than i will ever need here.
i would never part with the 365sp it's awesome at everything it touches!
granted,if i was cutting larger hardwood trees than 3feet wide then the 365sp would need a larger bar and chain,but for what i am cutting the 365sp is superb.it's a very strong saw.
lovely view in this part of the country to deliver this customer his two large bags of wood....
hi logger been reading true your tread and you have a mountain of work in front of you (excuse the pun) couldn't see all the videos which is a pity as they were brilliant I'm not too far away from you down in north Tipp lots of trees and mountains around here as well and water of course. keep up the good work and keep the pics and videos coming
I'm an American chilling in South Tipperary:
That looks like a Spruce, mang. Musta smelled wonderful.
yeah smelled lovely.i love the smell of those...
to be very honest,it could be a type of spruce,another thing though is we don't usually get spruce trees here this tall,it measured over 85foot tall,i assumed it was a pine like scots pine or something,it has pines on it...
you could be right,do you recon it's a spruce?