land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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This is what I think of as Éirinn and not all the mud and brush.

445 is a lightening fast limber.....

Which saw do you like better? 440 or 445

the 445 is a much better saw,the clutch is larger,much improved,doesn't bog now at all in anything the 15" bar length,the old 440 suffered a lot of bogging and used anoy me,the clutch in the 440 was toyish.
the fuel gauge is better cause it's longer and tells you exactly when the saw is empty,the 440 used read empty but it could still have 10mins of fuel in it.
the airfilter is better on the 445,all on top and gets clogged less,the element is facing upwards and is less prone to getting clogged,it has the compression release valve which is good cause they can be tough to start.
the engine is only a few cc's bigger but you can feel the extra power,it's better.

IMO the 445 is just an updated version of the 440,things husqvarna decided to improve i think on the 440.

the two chainsaws are superb,they never miss a beat.i sharpened them today the 365sp with a 7/32nd oregon file and the 445xtorque with a 3/16th file,both saws are more than i will ever need here.

i would never part with the 365sp it's awesome at everything it touches!

granted,if i was cutting larger hardwood trees than 3feet wide then the 365sp would need a larger bar and chain,but for what i am cutting the 365sp is's a very strong saw.
haha,yeah it looks that way,but my missus was with me,she works with me all the time and we deliver together so it was her that took the pictures,the road here was narrow remember also it's not a 'smart' car i'm delivering the wood in :D
hi logger been reading true your tread and you have a mountain of work in front of you (excuse the pun) couldn't see all the videos which is a pity as they were brilliant I'm not too far away from you down in north Tipp lots of trees and mountains around here as well and water of course. keep up the good work and keep the pics and videos coming
hi logger been reading true your tread and you have a mountain of work in front of you (excuse the pun) couldn't see all the videos which is a pity as they were brilliant I'm not too far away from you down in north Tipp lots of trees and mountains around here as well and water of course. keep up the good work and keep the pics and videos coming

I'm an American chilling in South Tipperary:

ok desided to do some more updates,done a few deliveries since,things are very busy now for us,it's the peak time,people are stocking up with hardwood and softwood for christmas,i got a good order of 6tonnes for monday of that large pine tree,so i will cut up more of that monday. anyway this was the story since,we are clearing back the new roadway i made heading on another direction in to the good work done a large tralier load loose of beech taken to a guy in ardnacrusia in clare,(see pics of scenery shortly)

stocked up with more files and a few chains for both machines.


i buy my files buy the dozen.



starting that load of beech




very handy and fast as the trees were just longside us.

started another load of beech this morning....loose tralier.





half ways there......


still half....



got a little wet in the afternoon today,had to put on wet gear,conditions are tough!



forgot to take a pic of the full load.....haha......typical...

anyway,this was on the road delivering it...



co. clare



lovely area here in co.clare,ardnacrusia


to be honest,it's amazing i get time to even pull the camera,it's flat out all day!!!
hard to get time to even have a cup of tea....

ok some more updates,fairly busy now since,orders going out everyday,yesterday we took out a tralier of that 85ft tall pine tree,it's getting smaller,i forgot to take camera yesterday to document the cutting of it but YES i thought of the camera today,so the large pine tree is getting smaller,after some negotation on the phone yesterday a customer wanted a full tralier today of PINE/ASH/BEECH all mixed together,so we fullfilled his request after agreeing on the price,it was going to a place called ballylanders limerick.

some redberries on the holly trees


making a start on that tralier today,first some beech ....



then some ASH



and to finish with some pine....



getting smaller this huge pine tree....

had to cut around 20 x 3ft slices off of this to finish the load....


365sp ate through it




this tree has some fantastic timber....




grated cheedar cheese anyone???

didn't split any of the pine,the 365sp ate through them......




the load ready......



cut to the size the customer requested and covered!



wow logger,awesome work man,must give a shout next week,i have started my own job i was talking to ya about here,very large pine trees but not as big as that one you just cut,so you finally made it in....awesome!!! thought i'd never see anyone making it in to the location of those monster pines....:rock::rock::rock:
That looks like a Spruce, mang. Musta smelled wonderful.


yeah smelled lovely :D.i love the smell of those...

to be very honest,it could be a type of spruce,another thing though is we don't usually get spruce trees here this tall,it measured over 85foot tall,i assumed it was a pine like scots pine or something,it has pines on it...
you could be right,do you recon it's a spruce?
Kinda looks like fir to me :p ... Just look at the top/needles and you can tell them apart.

[wrote how i tell them apart but just check this Spruce vs. fir vs. pine: How to tell them apart - Fine Gardening Article

and also this, (copied from Pine, Fir or Spruce Tree?)

Like deciduous trees, conifers can be identified by their "leaves." The "leaves" of conifers are of course their needles. On true pine trees, the needles are arranged and attached to the branches in clusters of two (red pine group), three (yellow pine group), or five (white pine group) needles per cluster. Spruce and fir trees have their needles attached individually to the branches.

To tell spruce and fir trees apart, it helps to know that spruce needles are sharply pointed, square and easy to roll between your fingers. Fir needles, on the other hand, are softer, flat and cannot be rolled between your fingers. Spruce needles are attached to small, stalk-like woody projections. When needles are shed, these projections remain. As a result, the branches of spruce trees feel rough. Fir branches lack these projections, and thus have smooth bark. The color and length of needles are not reliable means of identification; these can vary from tree to tree, depending on cultural conditions and the planting site. "

yeah smelled lovely :D.i love the smell of those...

to be very honest,it could be a type of spruce,another thing though is we don't usually get spruce trees here this tall,it measured over 85foot tall,i assumed it was a pine like scots pine or something,it has pines on it...
you could be right,do you recon it's a spruce?

I think Scots pine is 2 needles. But a Scots pine sort of looks like a cypress when it grows; being gnarly and such(duuude). It doesn't grow like most other pines. The wood is also easier to cut than spruce, assuming it isn't soaking wet. The bark is lighter, more brown to orangish, and furrowed. That is an englemann or a sitka. The scales look like Engelmann. But what the hell do I know.