land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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reindeer i would think you know plenty...

thanks for the information,the only thing i noticed differnt between this large tree and the normal forest spruce here is it was fine and dry when it was cut,and hard timber enough in it in comparisson.

Great pics.

I have'nt had a chance to look through the other 42 pages of your thread, so maybe you have answered the question im going to ask you, but why do you cut such small odd size chunks of wood? is that normal procedure for your area?

Great pics.

I have'nt had a chance to look through the other 42 pages of your thread, so maybe you have answered the question im going to ask you, but why do you cut such small odd size chunks of wood? is that normal procedure for your area?


all my wood is cut at the requiried sizes that the customers ask for,every order i get i ask the customer the size they want,i had some wood last week and they were very large for an open fire,it's mainly for stoves so this is the reason the wood is required smaller,but your smaller and our smaller could vary.. some of the small logs here are still quite large to us...
this is the size in ireland,if you deliver anything larger you will be told take it home cause they won't get it in the stove. ;)
ok was another busy day in the woods,it is also shooting season so we are dodging bullets here all week :wink2:
various differnt groups of lads are arriving and just walking through the land with there guns hunting woodcock,they are impressed with the amount clearing that has been done here in just a year.

anyway,arriving to work thismorning to a bitter -1 temp





went to work and filled two bags of ash for a customer in limerick city.



we had some visitors,had to tell them to move out the way....

the fella on the right was bold,he wouldn't budge,i had to get mad at him to move him hehe


arrived to a customer in limerick and offloaded the wood in to his tralier,it was a huge 10x 5 ifor williams tralier,he was
very impressed with how much only two of our bags filled it,i wasn't expecting it to fill it this much cause it was a big tralier,he was a very happy customer and paid the 160euros for the two bags of ASH ..this was including a 10euro delivery charge with two bags of 25kg kindeling thrown in for him.

we had to swap the logs in to his tralier in his yard.


our two bags in his tralier.



on the way home we paid a visit to the husqvarna shop in limerick where i get all my's a fine shop.
i get on good here with the lads and i am happy with my prices.


don't know if this saw is out in america but the new XTORQ 365sp has arrived here....NICE!!



not much changed on the 365sp only better low end power and the xtorq engine,decompression valve located on top,i hadn't much time to look through it,i assume it's nothing differnt to my own,it looks the same cosmeticly,maybe they changed other things like airfilter too,must look the next time i am in.
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also a nice looking saw the new xp range,this one was 50cc i think..


Thanks for more updates and more great pictures! Most of all the pics in the Husky shop! :clap: :msp_w00t:
I would love to have one of those new 550xp's for my limbing saw! :biggrinbounce2:
Thanks again for the updates, please keep 'em coming.
hi randy,

yes,agreed i think that 50cc would be lightening fast to limb,all though i am extremly impressed with my 440xtorque limbing abilities... i guess it would be nice to try that one too though all the same :msp_wink:



forgot to take a picture of his large saws,he had at least 3 of the large ones the 120xp and others....bummer!!
next time...
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the fella on the right ...
on the way home we paid a visit to the husqvarna shop in limerick where i get all my's a fine shop.
i get on good here with the lads and i am happy with my prices.


don't know if this saw is out in america but the new XTORQ 365sp has arrived here....NICE!!

not much changed on the 365sp only better low end power and the xtorq engine,decompression valve located on top,i hadn't much time to look through it,i assume it's nothing differnt to my own,it looks the same cosmeticly,maybe they changed other things like airfilter too,must look the next time i am in.

And I thought you were showing us your garage!

859 Euro for a 550xp?! :(

yes that seems quite high,i know that if i wanted it i could probably get it for 650,the shop here they start price high but you need to negotiate with em,but why would i ever want it,i am more than happy enough with my old 365sp,it never gave me a days trouble and has plenty of power for what i need.....

i wouldn't downgrade to a lower cc saw anyway,even though it might be more powerfull low down etc,but as they say no replacment for displacment!
I'm working on rebuilding a 365 special at the moment. It will be very mildly ported mostly to clean it up and match the lower transfers and add a touch of compression. We'll meet up your way maybe and I'll show it to ya. I am in the process of swapping from meteor to vodaphone. Once I am there I'll pm you my mobile.
good work logger...making headway there.

hello reindeer,]

are you now based in ireland too? anywork with ya?
things here are gone quite,logger is lucky to have work these days with the wood,it is a good buisness to be stuck at in ireland,this is the busy time,he promised me a few weeks work but i havn't heard back yet,wink wink nudge nudge :hmm3grin2orange:

at the moment i have some work coming up myself with coilte the local forest.

so any work in tipperary reindeer these days?
I'm working on rebuilding a 365 special at the moment. It will be very mildly ported mostly to clean it up and match the lower transfers and add a touch of compression. We'll meet up your way maybe and I'll show it to ya. I am in the process of swapping from meteor to vodaphone. Once I am there I'll pm you my mobile.

hi reindeer,

sounds good,but it will be the new year now cause my hands are completly full right now and have no time to leave the woods at all,between that and finishing some bits around my own house it's a verybusy time for me,i wouldn't have the time until new year hoping you will still be in ireland then.

make sure and post up pics of that 365 you got there,it sounds the nuts!!

cheers :)
No work here. I'm out in the country with a Greyhound rescue working it 3 days a week for free room and board and a small stipend. I am finding random work here felling and such.
looks like we can start and Irish branch of the 365 special appreciation Society :biggrin: I'm looking forward to getting stuck into some timber with mine if only the land would dry up a bit
I would also like to see some pics also reindeer no intention of trying it as I would probably kill the saw and I think I have enough of power with the 372 p&c

logger I cant understand why you take a lesser price for white-torn and beech as they are also two fantastic firewood timbers especially the white-torn I would be charging more for that have you tried burning it yourself good heat and it last ages
looks like we can start and Irish branch of the 365 special appreciation Society :biggrin: I'm looking forward to getting stuck into some timber with mine if only the land would dry up a bit
I would also like to see some pics also reindeer no intention of trying it as I would probably kill the saw and I think I have enough of power with the 372 p&c

logger I cant understand why you take a lesser price for white-torn and beech as they are also two fantastic firewood timbers especially the white-torn I would be charging more for that have you tried burning it yourself good heat and it last ages

Oh, it won't have a 365 top end on it... not even a 71cc top end... ;)
do you want a seat and some wheels for it:eek:uttahere2: I take it that you're putting the 52mm top end on it. would love to hear it purrrrrrrrrr
do you want a seat and some wheels for it:eek:uttahere2: I take it that you're putting the 52mm top end on it. would love to hear it purrrrrrrrrr

As soon as it arrives.... from China! HAI YAH!


SRSLY tho - I will only mildly port it - you guys have seen the cost of petrol and oil here...
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