View attachment 304960
hello all,
that's a great video randy,thanks for sharing,i have not watched it all YET but when i get back this evening i will take a look,looks very well put together,some nice climbing gear you got there.
hello reindeer,hope all is well,i hope that woman is looking after you :msp_biggrin::msp_biggrin:
that does look like a fine public house.
ok,so i am back and it has been a LOOOOOOOng ..... time since i updated,if i must be honest i hadn't the time,between all the work i have been fitting in i have not had much time even to switch on my PC.
good news is i have some decent updates,i have been cutting all summer long and i have some very nice wood stocked up,not only that i have been very busy in the bog doing turf,something i have recently got back in to also,i will be selling this too hopefully the fall of the year now too.
the summer here is great but it's very hard to work in the heat,i don't even mind that but the conditions are tough with horse flies who just have the woods taken over right now that it's just impossible to work around them,they give a nasty bite and can be quite anoying to work with,the heat brings them out and the month of july is the worst for them.those and the little midges in the evenings too can be very anoying......see pic of horseflies on top....
only plus side is the land is dry and i have been to some fairly insane places,i have pics to update and hope to do so this evening.
Best Regards all.