land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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ok so not much to say for day 9,we havn't got over to the land until this morning and just brought home a load that was left,also we bought home a load yesterday,then i decided before we came away to cut up all the large stumps with the 365special,i got a good few of them done,now i have a load here in this section of very large ASH wood rings to bring home,that should be an intresting sight to see when done!
the next day here should be monday and we plan on cutting over the opposite direction in the land for a while,i want to cut up a lot of wood this time before bringing home any.

the wood is selling very well,i have a tralier going out tomorrow for 200euros!! (3cubic meters) which is my tralier filled cut-split
and ready to go,so far i have 3 loads sold @200euros a go,so it's surely paying thus far!! ;)

i have my 365saw paid for over and over,i already have my 440xtorq paid for itself too ;)

some pictures and a VIDEO once again of me cutting up those stumps!








see the long road in at the bottom here where i shall be going in summer time




nice and wet here today!!! :)))

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not much more updates here right now,we did go to the land two days ago for another load of those cut stumps
i had no camera as it was too wet here,but i am going back over to a new section in the morning and the 440 will do most
of the work tomorrow :D

the wood is selling great anyway so this is good!!
great thread dan and awesome videos!! some rep headed your way!!!

keep an eye on my thread here,i know it was time for an update,should have my parts tomorrow
finally :biggrin:

i'm tired of drooling over this thread,it's time i get busy myself.

OHH YEAH,i'm passing your way wednsday if you need a hand PM point
turning down free labour,ohh yes,i need some parts :hmm3grin2orange:
DAY 15

OK sorry not updated anything here sinse day 9,have moved in to a large wooded area at the moment and am very busy
havn't had time to take a camera :wink2:,i did how ever take a few pictures this evening of a nice ASH tree i cut down. it was quite large
measuring in at around 12+ meters high with a lot of large branches,it was sort of two trees sort of joined together on the ground it was very wide,i had some work with the husqvarna 365sp to cut the bottom part,then i used the 440 x torq on the branches and lighter parts.

also put 4 new tyres on my tralier now i can take large loads. :D

beautiful ASH tree,this firewood is going to be supreme!!




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great thread dan and awesome videos!! some rep headed your way!!!

keep an eye on my thread here,i know it was time for an update,should have my parts tomorrow
finally :biggrin:

i'm tired of drooling over this thread,it's time i get busy myself.

OHH YEAH,i'm passing your way wednsday if you need a hand PM point
turning down free labour,ohh yes,i need some parts :hmm3grin2orange:

sorry derek,i havn't been on here much lately,if you are passing give a phone and we will arrange to meet
i have been super busy.

i have some fantastic trees now to fell soon,but i don't know if i will keep this thread alive not much
happening here on it,i havn't been bothered to update sinse day 9 here

200year old OAK,over 30meters high!!!

ok got a call to take a look at a tree which needs to be taken down,it is already sold,i will be getting the loan of a husqvarna
3120 for this tree,as the picture shows it is a HUGE is in the way of a sewer line which needs to be directed this way.

so far i have given a price to fell this monster and i await the answer.






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I don't understand why you don't use your Husqvarna 365. Should be no problem to drop that tree with the 24" bar on that saw. The 3120 is a heavy brute and overkill for one tree IMO.
You have taken on a daunting task. Do you have a time frame that you have to finish or can clearing this land be your life's work?
hello guys,

upon close inspection it looked to me like a cedar tree,but the owner is adament it's a type of oak,it don't matter cause
it's coming down anyway and it's sold already by the land owner.

the clearing of the land i'm afraid will be my lifes work,paying the land owner along the way and selling the firewood as i go.
it's the type of work i love the most.

for sure i will use my own saws but i think the big 3120 will be required here alright because the tree has a much larger girth in person than what you see in pics.

right now i have more trees to cut than i could ever imagine and it's getting busier.i am getting a lot of calls from
people who want trees felled and turned to firewood,it's a growing thing with landowners here now to cut there own trees
for firewood to save costs for there own use.
hello guys,

upon close inspection it looked to me like a cedar tree,but the owner is adament it's a type of oak,it don't matter cause
it's coming down anyway and it's sold already by the land owner.

the clearing of the land i'm afraid will be my lifes work,paying the land owner along the way and selling the firewood as i go.
it's the type of work i love the most.

for sure i will use my own saws but i think the big 3120 will be required here alright because the tree has a much larger girth in person than what you see in pics.

right now i have more trees to cut than i could ever imagine and it's getting busier.i am getting a lot of calls from
people who want trees felled and turned to firewood,it's a growing thing with landowners here now to cut there own trees
for firewood to save costs for there own use.

Looks more like European beech. The fallen leaves at the base, though difficult to see, do not appear lobed. The bark looks like Beech, but it's difficult to tell simply from a photograph.

The Irish Tree Council has a few excellent publications that I have in my hand right here. I ordered them before heading off to England for my last contract: 'Glimpses' and "amenitiy' trees are the ones I'd get.

If it is Beech, you may well want that 3120. I found it to be a very hard wood over there, even for all the rain you get.
good work!

hey logger,good to see your making some money from your efforts and the farmer is benefiting as well!!that big tree looks like a european beech to me as well,i go to burghead in scotland and have seen quite a few over the years.what has been called mountain ash over here in the nursery biz they call rowan in scotland,is this what you are cutting?i'm clearing some land here in vt.and mostly its 100+year old hardwoods sugarmaple,beech,yellow+white birch,and,white ash.when i tell people in scotland we burn it for firewood they look at me like i have two heads:laugh::laugh:i'll post some pic's tomorrow.good luck with that big tree and stay safe!!
yeah guys to be honest i got a phone call to come and look at this tree,my first reaction was "sorry that is not oak" the owner told me it was,so ummm,wasn't arguing with him :laugh: to be honest only oaks i have ever seen or cut had really rough crusty bark,this looked to me like a large ASH too,i think you lads are 100percent though with the 'beech' statment,i think it's deffo NOT oak and i think the owner don't know the differnce :laugh: either way it was irrevelant to me when i took the pictures,it was my first time seeing the tree and didn't quite see an oak like it before,the owner said there was 15 differnt types of oak.... again,wasn't arguing with him,i really was going to examin the tree the next time i called to take it down,i always like to have my information correct and have a lot of intrest in trees and knowing what exactly i am cutting.

i think next time i am on the phone to the client i will inform him about his beech tree and correct his information,hope we are right ;):msp_thumbup:
Even if it was an oak, it would have to be maybe 200 years old or so, which means it wasn't recently naturalized and would likely make it a Sessile or pedunculate, aka English oak(but don't you dare call it that in the ROI!). Both look nearly the same, and both would have different bark than in that photo, as well as lobed leaves. Other than the aforementioned and Quercus Rubra(red oak - also with lobed leaves), I haven't spotted any other oak in Ireland, but I didn't spend much time with oaks there. Dave K would know better.

I have also heard "There are a (insert random number) of oaks". But you really limit the choices when it comes to that age of oak. I was told it was rare to see a red oak older than a generation or two.

Be careful, beech likes to split. Let us know how it goes.

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