I love running the 268xps but then I pick up the ported 562xp with techlite and wonder why I have been wasting my time. If you had to have one saw to do everything, I would pick that one every time.
Here is my two contributions - a 395xp with Oregon 31 C3
(I think it is) 0.058 inch gauge 1/2 inch pitch 1/4 inch file
chipper chain
And a 576xp (earliest model) with an Oregon 50L (I think it is) 0.050 inch
gauge 0.404 inch pitch 1/4 inch file (harvester I have been told) chisel chain
This pic shows big Husky is about three times better than Stihl.
This there seems to be a concesus about in Europe (where both are
made) - as far as it concerns big saws (though possibly old big Stihls
could be good) - while at the same time there is a concesus that small
(smaller than 50cc, that is) Stihls are superior to small Huskies (what-
ever there are of them) ... just a remark ... .
I also have a Husy with a Stihl chain - a 26 RMC - see here
Unfortunately there are no bars for this (0,063 gauge 0,325 pitch
chains on small mount Husky) so I had to file up a Husky 0,058
gauge bar with the little file one can see on the picture - no sweat!