Tree Freak
There was a company from ME in my neighborhood 2 weeks ago. They had an old linesman truck that advertised 36' bucket service on the side. They were doing door to door sales. They wore NO PPE, chipped onto the ground, and were attrocious!
Take a look...........
Nope, not very explicit. The pictures do show some poor workmanship I agree. Nitpicking was not my intent either, sorry you feel that way. I do not feel as though I was nitpicking, I feel that you are and that's ok. A high level of ethics would demand it as would a obsessed lunatic. What I am saying is; try to see all the angles, be detailed( what did the trees look like before?),
and try to be reasonable. You and I both know the guy that lives in that house would not be able to afford you unless he sold his dialysis machine.