Looking to streamline to a Cargo/enclosed trailer for my grinder. Looking for tips or advice.

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ArboristSite Operative
Jul 11, 2013
Reaction score
Shoreline, CT
As the title says, I am looking to grab a cargo trailer and store all my equipment and grinder in it so when I back in for the day, I am done!

I also like the idea of being able to go into the store without constantly checking to see if anyone is stealing from my truck. And lastly I would love to be able to do a wrap on the outside for advertising.

Problem is, I don't know what to get. Obviously I want to get it done as cheap as possible without sacrificing strength.

I run a 1625 right now, though I would love to upgrade to a 4012/7015/sc60 in the future.

I am thinking max size would be 12ft long 6 ft wide.

Would single axel be okay? or should I go double.

Any brands to stay away from?

Any advice in general/ stuff you wish you knew?

Thanks guys!

-Stump Shark
I've been thinking about an isuzu with a 16 foot box so I have the mini, grinder, and everything else with me on every job. I would love to put a lock on it at the end of the day and forget about unloading pickups.
I subbed some work today for a lawn guy. He had a 16 trailer and was telling me how much he loves having all his stuff in one spot.