Each time I open this thread I hope to hear there has been some progress with one of the dealers toward warranty being honored, just can`t hold my breath until they do. I still say go up the chain of command if the dealers won`t help. I often hear Stihl corporate will be more helpful.
as an experienced businessman, I can tell you that... in my opinion...
this is some good advice! if it was my issue, I would do just that. write the Top Dawg! send a professional looking letter CERTIFIED! also send one to your state's Attorney General. and a notice to BBB. assuming you feel the saw's condition is less than warranted. ie, expected. I would include a short paragraph on ur logger background, etc. add in that your efforts help with the logging industry in ur state. and that this situation is an element that is counter productive to logging the industry there and un pro-active. also that you bought the Sthil saw on co's reputation... and
in good faith! if you really want to add some weight to your mailout... copy it to President Trump, too. [hint: be sure to do this!] remember, we dint win WWII with a land invasion!! ~
Certified Letter to everybody!!! no one likes a Certified Letter that does not have a check

in it! lol
and I would send a Certified Letter to the Stihl dealer and cc everyone else you have contacted. once you mail out all this... all u will have to do is sit back and wait!
you will be
the Ringmaster. but it must be done professionally. and u need to send these letters to a person. not a general address. no PO's... so some homework required.
I once bot an oz of gold in AK. the dealer never sent it to me despite repeated efforts to get him to. we were involved in the travel industry at the time. so I politely... screamed and btch'd by mail, AK Governor, town Mayor, AK Atty General, AK Dept of Tourism, etc... etc... all certified, cc'd to each party that it was a state fraud! and we were feeling inclined to warn all our AK bound tourist travelers to beware of such frauds up there...
[lol] the sky opened! the state sent me the oz. !!
placer gold. I still have the oz!! and made the guy make some restitution. he sent me a gold fishing hook and an apology. the state billed him under forfeiture of his right to do business in AK for the oz placer gold. about $700/oz at the time. I wrote him back and said I had given fish many hooks over the years, but it was the first time I had ever gotten the hook from...
the fish!
also u should cc your letter to the top dawg to your local and regional Stihl managers... by name.
so get crackin'....
Best Wishes!
[lol] and the sky opened up!...