Well the test runs I did aren't null and both shops tests aren't null. This whole thing has just been eating at me a lot. When I talked to JD I thought well maybe Stihl is right I just need to run it more so I kept the saw. Its been raining like a mother here plus flooding and with all that going on with our parents I just haven't had time to run this saw! I see on here some one buys a new saw off the shelve and cuts like that with the same chain I have in hardwood...you know that kind of upsetting the more I think how these shops just pass this saw back. Knowing how my 362 cuts just makes me really upset! Then I found this nearly new MS361 the more I thought about it the more I decide that would be better. JD did tell me Stihl not going to give me a new saw and take this one back. I've been thinking about this a lot, I'd have put $400 plus to upgrade to MS462 which I don't need , the 1st shop showed me a 362 with the same compression. At this point I just need sent the saw to JD, maybe Stihl will put new cylinder on. After thinking about this I spent $500 now and I have something I can use. I keep thinking about how tough is it to cut a slabs off 15" log that canterlevered off the ground. Your kid could do that! I don't need a compression release to start this 362 , I can't even tell the difference with it on or off starting this saw. I just mad about this whole thing. I'm sending this saw to JD and I keep thinking about these shops...two different business. Both these shops aren't willing do anything. I was really proud of this MS362 when I bought it. Spent the time and money just to get it how I wanted it to be. Yes I was should have ran it within 7 days of purchase... lesson learned. I have no guarantee sending this saw to JD. My saw is all cleaned up and ready, I going send this bar and chain as requested plus a new Stihl chain. I hope to have it ready to ship by the Friday...Saturday at the latest. The more I thinking about this I do believe Austin at Cascade called JD. I'm going have Austin ship it back to Stihl and I'm going ask him if he did. Yes I did have the email ready to forward to the address forward by a member on this site. I type up the whole history with names, phone numbers and dates. JD did said sent him the saw so I didn't see the point sending the email to the other contact. I did sent a copy of the history to JD plus address to this post, because I thought he should know about how these shops are dealing with problem as a business concern. With JD not seen my saw I can't expect much from it but I did forward it to JD. I don't have a good way to do a video other than my phone. I have no way of hold my phone...I guess I could cut kerf in round and set my phone it that. Believe me... you all know a child can cut slabs off 15" log, It's a 60 cc saw! Who can't cut a 15" log off with 60 cc saw. The second shop should have sent this saw to JD from the start. Why didn't they...they saw the problem, they ran the compression tests...5 of them. They are Stihl dealer they should have the skills and the tools....yes it simple. The test cuts they ran prove my point. Why give me the run around...the advice and post on here just prove this saw has a problem. Yesterday I just got caught up in how a 362 should run, my wife mom going in care home, in out of the hospital these last few weeks and we have another parent going into Hospice! Its been raining and Flooding here plus I have big equipment upgrade at work so I really haven't had time to deal with this saw. Yes I've had multiple private offer to fix this saw. Fact there a guy's 40 miles from me offered, I even got prices from him and I know he can fix it! I keep thinking I'm going have more money in saw I shouldn't have too and no warranty. The more I think about it I really don't have a guarantee from Stihl this will be resolve, but I do know I need sent them the saw to give them the chance. If you read this post I've been really careful about doing the right thing, maybe I should have just sent the saw to JD right after I spoke to him. I did have a nice conversation with JD, fact a couple and I thought instead of just sending it off I really should try running it some more... I just haven't had time. Right now with what I got going on... its going to be awhile before I can. So I'm going to box this saw up and send it to JD this week. But...here an offer to the members here on this site, because I serious about this problem I have with this 362. If someone want to pick up my saw and run it give their evaluation back to this group I willing! Anyone, on web site can say anything... you don't know me from Adam, you all have tried to help. I sorry if I'm haven't just jump on all the advice as it was given. I'm just a home owner with a little bit of ground and I have lot other thing going on and I have tried to do the right thing. If someone want to run this saw and they can give reference from a couple people on here I would be more than happy to let them take this saw and run it. You all seem like nice helpful people and I do appreciate the advice. I'll provide the fuel, the original bar and chain plus another new chain. The question about compression or what it is really isn't the point the point... it how this saw runs, its not question about my skills or my word or anything in that line. Its how this saw preforms ...does this saw run right or does it really have a problem. If some wants to make arrangements before Friday then great, We'll let the group know what happening. Otherwise by Friday this saw getting dropped off at Cascade for shipment to JD. I did not mean to upset people on here, yes this has been going on along time but their are other reason why. I think my offer is fair to everyone who has tried to help, it only fair for those people get the answers they need! I honestly I think that is right thing to do at this point! If this group thinks they can find someone they trust that live near Lebanon, Oregon 97355, I'm in Corvallis Monday thru Friday or some where close that wants to run this saw...I think that is more than fair to this group.