If you can't positively identify the wood yourself you shouldn't be using a smoker. Go to the bookstore and get a good educational book on identifying wood, not trees and learn how to identify correctly. Posting pictures is a horrible way to get a true identity. Also go to a wood store that has verified samples to compare to. There are lots of variations and can fool the common person. Most Arborists can identify 90% of trees but are clueless when it comes to identifying wood samples. As someone who has a Degree in Forestry specializing in wood products I can attest it isn't always easy to identify wood. I have a shoebox full of samples for comparison
The tree in the pic at the back of the house with no leaves has alternate branching. It's not a maple.
Yes, there are a lot of variations in wood. That's why you look at the bark, the cross section, a split and the shape/form of the tree. All tell clues as to what it is.
I have the same degree as you and the same shoebox too (but I don't own a soapbox).