The work your doing around here would bring thousands of dollars... lots of liability for a 365
To be able to work on several companies equipment, I am required to carry 1 million bond. I also am organized as an LLC, and the business carries additional insurance and an additional umbrella policy with it. Basically if a judgement goes over 2.5 million, I lose a block building built 1958 and 4 lathes, 2 surface grinders, 4 vertical mills, 2 horizontal mills, and my tooling. My farm is protected, my house is protected.
One local power company(more on them in a second) wanted me to carry a 5 million dollar bond, and they were the only one that wanted that. I politely told them if they wanted to pay for the extra million's worth on the bond they are welcome to. They flew mad, and now they get to pay a haul bill for a wrecker to drive 2.5 hours from Atlanta and then 2.5 miles back. Also, I know on good authority that the company that does their truck repairs and maintenance gets $135 and hour. I charged them about half that.
I hear ya. I just paid 1400 to have a upper cylinder repacked on a altec am755h I felt it was a bargain actually. ..
There are two businesses in my tri-state area that could afford to pay that and it not be something they sweated. One is the power company I mentioned above. They spend money like a drunken sailor on leave, and they raise rates on their customers 6 to 8 times a year.
The other is a multi-truck tree service run by a 25 year old boy. The boy received the tree service as a wedding gift from his father in law, and his father's wedding gift was a large scrap metal recycling business. Neither business has ever turned a profit, and just as the father and FIL felt they had to show their largess by making two large gifts, they have continually bailed both businesses out. In turn the 25 year old thinks that it is funny and cool and makes him a big shot to spend extravagantly. Ex: JD Track hoe breaks track at scrap yard. Repair cost: $12,000 on site with new tracks on both side and warranty. Screw that, this boy is a baller- he goes out and buys a new, off the lot, JCB with 11 hours on it. To run around in scrap metal and crush cars with.
There are other businesses that can pay $1400 to have a cylinder repacked, but they sweat it, and it places a strain on them for a while, and it in turn places a strain on the people who use their services.