McBob's new Alky Burning Stihl 090

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I hear Samuel L. Jackson.

"English, mother$#@%er, DO YOU SPEAK IT?"

Let's stop trading paint and get back to the saw(s).
I hear Samuel L. Jackson.

"English, mother$#@%er, DO YOU SPEAK IT?"

Let's stop trading paint and get back to the saw(s).

I hear Ace Ventura.

Pardon me, but your ballz are showing. . . Bumble Bee tuna!
Getting personal and a little bit breath gasping.:msp_scared:

Bob I was paying you a compliment as an avid McCullough fan. You know you have all the yellow gear (hats, helmets, socks etc)

A little old saying my dear old grandmother told me (bless her sole), "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me". Bob people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. I wish I had a tape recorder OR video recorder every time you would turn up to an event, unpack your gear, start up and stop saws all day and never take one to the block. Who is the D'head know? Bob I stood up for you for years in the face of many who run you down. A laughing stock you were to be only for me!!!

Bob, language please.

If that's the way you really feel. Maybe some other photo's I have can be added to show the real story behind the masked guru.:msp_w00t:

Did you notice i use xxxxx to mask the work something that others do i a fast learner. I dont need a mask bigfella.

And another thing you didn't notice was i wear black and gold undies, besides i wonder who it was chucking the first few rocks both of you's tried awlful hard to discredit me and even accused me of saying things that i didn't ..... anyway Dean you never have been a worry to me personally its ya mate Neil and your supporting him regardless of whats right or wrong without knowing the full story i have noticed Neil doesnt call anymore maybe it's better that he not if he cant be careful in what he says and dont want repeated.

Anyway the truce didn't last long after the last episode so i imagine next time you's get bored it will be on again.
I honestly thought both of you were better than that but i have learnt different.

Start and stop saws well yes and run them at the block no were as good as you but hey thats my problem i suppose i dont have the killer instinct you and Neil have remember its only a day out for me and not competing for sheep stations something that really bothers some people Neil has aready informed me of that.

Bob ................... see no mask
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any hole is a goal....and a point for a behind

I don't think Neil was belittling you Bob. . . The way I read it, he was showing that you have run your saws at a competitive level -- whether you won or lost wasn't made an issue.

Neil has run some of my saws and done very well but that wont happen again i assure you.
Well in our language he is, its Neils way of trying to phyc people out of his rather small world not that it could be any smaller Neil has a smart mouth up here but sucks up off the forum i'm expecting a phone call around lunch time this time he can get fxxxxd along with his no2 Dean ................... i remember the conversations around Bill Boyd OAM and how Neil wanted him out of the arena ............. Neil wanted to run the show then when Bill got his OAM neil waved it around and told everybody what a great bloke Bill was and how Bill taught him everything he knew ................ get a life Neil your not the man you think you are.


Good morning bob, i can see your eagerly waiting for my reply and here it is.

Neil has run some of my saws and done very well but that wont happen again i assure you.

I walked away from you and have no intension of ever running your gear ever again

Get your story straight bob,,,,, i ran 1 saw twice,,,,, 1st run was that red and white thing you call a copperhead at kendal at a fun / training day sort of day (not a designated competition day). I also told you it was no good for our style of raceing and suggested you rebuild it into a mac 125 and use the 125 oiling system. You did do that and nearly gave up but you did do it. (of coarse you were straight onto the different forums and told all the good viewers how you just installed the copperhead into a 125 frame to give it better balance to go with this powerful engine which no stihl or husky could catch)

2nd time and last time i run it was at Dungog at our australian post ripping titles which incorporated speed cutting as well (those speed runs were not counted as australian titles).
What happened bob in that run, (as should be expected from a non raceing builder who cannot set up a saw right, and won't listen unless its what you want to hear,,,,, i got electricuted by the f-cking thing the way you had the wires running, now i would love to see you run the thing with a wabbling pipe sticking straight up throughing off its balance and sapping you at the same time and all full noise inside a 14inch block. A few weeks later at Bulahdelah show your lovely son was running round the other compeditors and also told Bill Boyds wife and my better half,,,,, QUOTE ''if Neil wasn't suck a useless pus-y, dad would of won the open hotsaw title. END QUOTE. Every one he told, let me know includeing Bill Boyd, who had suggestions but i won't repet here. I have no problem with your son saying sh-t like that as he would of only been repeating what you said to him.
I can clearly remember how many times you posted stories how we blitssed the lot with your brute hotsaw and posted 1 video hundreds of time to prove it, problem with that bob is, it did not win anything as i cut out on the inside line in heat number 1.

Moveing on to our life member mr William Boyd,,, For starters your a f-cking ars-le for repeating private conversations on a public forum and you tried this with me against currant association president mr Dean Mckinnon.

I have had countless arguments with old Bill Boyd over many years, we are both very competitive and have different views on how to run competitions, and how to prepare the competitors for events.
Those issues have been resolved for years now, and i don't run our association events, i help run them with dean. Yes i advise on different things through experience and do the best i can to help competitors, but thats no body elses f-cking buisnis except for those involved and deffinantly not for you to publicly repeat or change to suit yourself.
I want NSW to be the top state in australian raceing, as it is QLD is running all over us and that hurts.
Now get this straight bob,,,, Bill Boyd did not teach me how to race chainsaws, Bill Boyd taught me how to wood chop correctly along with my old logging boss Lorry Hoffman.
I have reported on Bill Boyds acheivements when he was awarded his OAM, he is and always was a good bloke and deserves the credit i gave him on the forum, as do the other blokes i have posted stories on. (keith Polsen and Phil Waters)
I also got permission from them to do so and they knew exactly what i posted.
SO get your online bull sh-t correct before you go makeing statements which are not correct or just construded badly in defence of you.

get a life Neil your not the man you think you are.


AS dennis cahoon says daily,,,,,, hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
You can explain that one to me direct, face to face.
Bulahdelah show is in november, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and come up (with your tape recorder) and disscuss these points in person, and remember to leave your saws at home.

Lastly bob, did i ring you on friday and suck up to you ????????
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Good morning bob, i can see your eagerly waiting for my reply and here it is.

I walked away from you and have no intension of ever running your gear ever again

Get your story straight bob,,,,, i ran 1 saw twice,,,,, 1st run was that red and white thing you call a copperhead at kendal at a fun / training day sort of day (not a designated competition day). I also told you it was no good for our style of raceing and suggested you rebuild it into a mac 125 and use the 125 oiling system. You did do that and nearly gave up but you did do it. (of coarse you were straight onto the different forums and told all the good viewers how you just installed the copperhead into a 125 frame to give it better balance to go with this powerful engine which no stihl or husky could catch)

2nd time and last time i run it was at Dungog at our australian post ripping titles which incorporated speed cutting as well (those speed runs were not counted as australian titles).
What happened bob in that run, (as should be expected from a non raceing builder who cannot set up a saw right, and won't listen unless its what you want to hear,,,,, i got electricuted by the f-cking thing the way you had the wires running, now i would love to see you run the thing with a wabbling pipe sticking straight up throughing off its balance and sapping you at the same time and all full noise inside a 14inch block. A few weeks later at Bulahdelah show your lovely son was running round the other compeditors and also told Bill Boyds wife and my better half,,,,, QUOTE ''if Neil wasn't suck a useless pus-y, dad would of won the open hotsaw title. END QUOTE. Every one he told, let me know includeing Bill Boyd, who had suggestions but i won't repet here. I have no problem with your son saying sh-t like that as he would of only been repeating what you said to him.
I can clearly remember how many times you posted stories how we blitssed the lot with your brute hotsaw and posted 1 video hundreds of time to prove it, problem with that bob is, it did not win anything as i cut out on the inside line in heat number 1.

Moveing on to our life member mr William Boyd,,, For starters your a f-cking ars-le for repeating private conversations on a public forum and you tried this with me against currant association president mr Dean Mckinnon.

I have had countless arguments with old Bill Boyd over many years, we are both very competitive and have different views on how to run competitions, and how to prepare the competitors for events.
Those issues have been resolved for years now, and i don't run our association events, i help run them with dean. Yes i advise on different things through experience and do the best i can to help competitors, but thats no body elses f-cking buisnis except for those involved and deffinantly not for you to publicly repeat or change to suit yourself.
I want NSW to be the top state in australian raceing, as it is QLD is running all over us and that hurts.
Now get this straight bob,,,, Bill Boyd did not teach me how to race chainsaws, Bill Boyd taught me how to wood chop correctly along with my old logging boss Lorry Hoffman.
I have reported on Bill Boyds acheivements when he was awarded his OAM, he is and always was a good bloke and deserves the credit i gave him on the forum, as do the other blokes i have posted stories on. (keith Polsen and Phil Waters)
I also got permission from them to do so and they knew exactly what i posted.
SO get your online bull sh-t correct before you go makeing statements which are not correct or just construded badly in defence of you.

AS dennis cahoon says daily,,,,,, hahahahahahahahahahahahahah.
You can explain that one to me direct, face to face.
Bulahdelah show is in november, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and come up (with your tape recorder) and disscuss these points in person, and remember to leave your saws at home.

Lastly bob, did i ring you on friday and suck up to you ????????[/QUOTE]


Yes twice remember and you asked did you just hang up on me my answer was YES

Anyway since your not a happy camper with what i have made public i wander elsewhere doesn't bother me. This aguement would drag on forever so you win ................... enjoy you easy victory.

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Good to see this thread getting some use ,spose its one way to get the post count up,cause it sure aint 090 material:tongue2:
come on .............vids gotta have vids..........................................
What I see here is that some do not know #### from clay, nor should they understand the full impact of what is being said and why.

As far as what has happened and what has been said, should now be left as is. The reasons and complications behind the arguments are best left where they are. Behind closed doors.

Bibs made for catching babies dribble, nappies for catching sh*t. For some, lets say they should make bibappies for catching people who dribble bullsh*t.

Not meant to offend anyone on a personal level.

If people have vids or pictures of 090's or the like actually cutting and making some sawdust, then lets see them. Lets see some action. Maybe start a new thread.
Here's my 090 Alkie burners.......I'm sure they would give McBob's a good run!.......Hahahahahahahaha!



I will take the one on the left. I know I can throw it further then McBob's. That would be a fair contest because the chances of seeing it run are no better than seeing Bob's.

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