If I can find your address Tim I can send some of the original sticky caulk they used if you think Canadian Customs will let it past the border.
I also have some double sided sticky foam tape ones in the attic that came in a large collection of parts I picked up, I can toss those in as well and let you be the guinea pig.
Thanks Mark,
I was typing my reply to Brian as you were posting yours.
Appreciate the offer but I doubt it would get here in time for the GTG and I want to take that MAC. If what I did doesn't work out I will be more than happy you take you up on your offer.
I've been sorting out my avatar pic 8500 as it's running weird. I found an incorrect gasket between the adapter and the carb which only leaked air at high RPM. One of a few cases where the Tilly HS gasket that comes in the kit doesn't work. Your 5400 is the same. Got that sorted and the saw would 4 stroke well out of the cut but the idle was a bit erratic. I feel a crank seal was going out even though it P&V checked well. I put in two new seals and am hoping I have the issue fixed.
Ready to give that and the 700 a bit of a workout tomorrow.
I hope you have good weather at the GTG in Iowa.