$380 on that 10-10 full wrap, holy rusted metal batman. Wow. Wish I had a box of those...
Crackers just crackers. Mark has nice ones for 50bux
$380 on that 10-10 full wrap, holy rusted metal batman. Wow. Wish I had a box of those...
$380 on that 10-10 full wrap, holy rusted metal batman. Wow. Wish I had a box of those...
i gots one. $200. free 7-10 attached. runs, too.
Hi guys, I've been absent from saws for a little bit but I took a mental health day from work and it turned out to be a very productive saw day.
I started by finishing up on a Husky 55 for my arborist buddy, quite a little screamer of a saw. I actually got the 1-86 to run on it own with the chinese clone carb, just need to get a bar and chain to try it in some wood and tune it. I also got the 1-52 all put back together and tuned. It runs like a top, very happy with it. Thanks again @mogulmasher.
That is the 1-52 I the photos. I love the old front tank saws and luckily they still dont seem too desirable so the prices arent out of control too bad yet.Good to see you around again mate hows the cold at your place? Is that the 1-52 in the photos? My mates got a 250 I'm trying to wrangle, those front tank style saws are cool looking beasts.
It's back up for sale. A non runner for that price? I'm having trouble getting $500 for a strong RUNNING 895! Well I guess that goes along with $2700 125's? I don't get why rough non-runners get more $$$ than good runners seem to fetch. Maybe I'll have better luck if I pull the plug wire and state it doesn't run.Wish I had a few of these hid away!
For me it would be the super 550. 103cc. Have so far been unable to find one.What's the pick of the bunch? I see the super250 is talked highly of. Don't see many around here sadly
So that's deathly cold to T shirt weather in a few days jeeze you fellas are getting it rough up there.
I put a few bids in on that handle, can’t believe the price but being that it’s from mcculloch NOS...as rare as they are I can see it going that high$380 on that 10-10 full wrap, holy rusted metal batman. Wow. Wish I had a box of those...
Don't let him fool you gents, Mr. Taylor never met a Mac he didn't love.
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It’s been a while since I’ve come to see you. Maybe someday I’ll make my way up there again. Thank you for taking the time to let me in the show room.
I still remember this time....