The PM800 is a great all around saw and love running it. Ron and I lately have been bucking some really big stuff and I have found myself really liking the SP125C. It is a joy to run, just getting it to the log to be bucked will wear you out. I also really like how well both the PM800 and the SP125C start. They just start so well and run so well. I can let them set for a month and they will start right up and have the power to get the job done.
On the 2T oil I feel that any reasonably good synthetic 2T oil will serve you well. I, believe it or not run Walmart synthetic oil. I do mix a little rich but it seams to perform well and is ready available. I know a guy that used to report on the web. He is a chemical engineer and he tested 4T oils and I was very surprised that the Walmart oil ranked quite high on his tests, so I figure the 2T oil should be good. It's not like Walmart makes this oil. It's like I have had people tell me that they would not ever use Honda motorcycle oil but use Mobile One oil. Well I hate to tell them but Mobile One makes, or used to make Honda's oils. It's like gasket sealers. Honda Bond, Yama Bond, Suzuki and Kawasaki gasket sealer is made by Three Bond. Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki or Kawasaki don't make it.
I feel that any saw manufacture and most oil manufacturers are going to make good oil. They have to warranty these things so it is in there best interest to provide the end user with good oils that are not going to damage your saw.
Sorry Ron that I was not out there to help you today. I am hopeful that the doctors have isolated my issues and have addressed them and I will be back next week strong and ready to work. By the way good job today.