Yeah well that's it really the guy might kill himself. So I completely get why you'd shy away from that for sure. I had a big leaner macro bout 30 inch and I studied up before cutting it certainly didn't ask here didn't want to put my life in the hand of someone with an opinion online. Ended up cutting a notch and bored it and snipped the strap and all was well.
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Ya gotta really be interested in the chain and want to learn about it and every bit of it if the passion isn't there it's a waste of time bothering to teach.
I haven't had anyone show me how to sharpen other than Billy ray and lots of research and reading. Cutting trees too lots of videos and Mr smith with actual interest the knowledge is there to be had.
Would love to go out cutting with you and other experienced guys I'd be sponging it all in.
Best things that got me sharpening well was don't touch a guide and focus on what the cutter needs to look like and try the chain. I'd cut a few cookies and sharpen again and keep correcting the shape better than last time again and again I'd spend my smokos at work sharpening lol. Progressive raker gauge was a revelation too