It's an extra filter I got from a 4-30 so it's no problemo. I'll see if I can dig it out later today. I had contacted wiseco awhile back about making custom pistons and it would cost a fortune for a minimum run of 12 units. I contacted a couple other folks who used to make custom pistons and that's also a no go. I never got in touch with Meteor so that may be an option. I'll get back to you with dimensions sometime later. Always willing to explore an option. The good thing about this piston is the flat top and no ring landing pins which may make it easier for folks making custom pistons.That would be great but not if it means giving up on the saw.
I have a good friend up here that builds 2 stroke race bikes. There are pistons available to him in pretty much any size.
If you send me the factory dimensions of the piston and an actual measurement of your cylinder, I'll ask him what he thinks.
If he thinks he may have some luck we can get better measurements.
Some of the aftermarket companies, like Meteor, actually make pistons for bikes but happen to market a few for chainsaws.
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