McCulloch Chain Saws

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You started my day with a chuckle Bob, thanks.

You're welcome Mark. Thought I’d seen it all when I found a tap con screw in that 034 but there are plenty of surprises left out there I guess.
if I tackle that one later I think I’ll jb weld that 1/4” fine thread bolt in the hole then drill and tap to the proper size. Not sure about the hole in the housing tho. I’m sure it got reamed out for the larger bolt.
I found that elusive oil pump plunger that went flying Christmas night.Surprisingly the O ring was still on it.Amazing what a little cleaning will reveal,Lol.I put all the pump parts in a used parts bag & wouldn't you know it that the little disc had to fall out onto the floor through a small hole in the bag.I finally found the disc after I swept the floor & had to sift through the dirt & cat hair.(my cat is a long-haired cat) You can be assured that I put the disc in it's own little parts bag & then into the bag with the other pump parts.
And just so you all know, there are at least three different diameter phenolic discs that may be found in the various impulse operated automatic oil pumps on McCulloch saws. 60263/86182 is .933" in diameter and used in the 10 Series and large frame saws. 83184 is .742" in diameter and used in the PM6, and 83895/85769 is .875" in diameter and used in the Mini Mac and 300 Series saws.

And just so you all know, there are at least three different diameter phenolic discs that may be found in the various impulse operated automatic oil pumps on McCulloch saws. 60263/86182 is .933" in diameter and used in the 10 Series and large frame saws. 83184 is .742" in diameter and used in the PM6, and 83895/85769 is .875" in diameter and used in the Mini Mac and 300 Series saws.

Valuable info sir. Thank you.
Seems to be various plungers in the manual oilers as well. Tried to swap one but it was very sloppy in the one I wanted to put it in.
One housing was black plastic the other cast.

One other experience I had the other day that might save someone a few minutes of head scratching was the corrosion I found inside
the hole in a started housing. The shaft that engages the starter pawls was super tight.
After removing the white plastic bushings I found the cast down inside was corroded thus pushing in on the bushings and binding the shaft. After a careful cleaning and re assembly the shaft spun freely.
And just so you all know, there are at least three different diameter phenolic discs that may be found in the various impulse operated automatic oil pumps on McCulloch saws. 60263/86182 is .933" in diameter and used in the 10 Series and large frame saws. 83184 is .742" in diameter and used in the PM6, and 83895/85769 is .875" in diameter and used in the Mini Mac and 300 Series saws.

Hi, I have a non McCulloch Question. I Just bought a Remington Super 754 and saw in another thread that you have one. How in the world do you remove the spark plug?
I found that elusive oil pump plunger that went flying Christmas night.Surprisingly the O ring was still on it.Amazing what a little cleaning will reveal,Lol.I put all the pump parts in a used parts bag & wouldn't you know it that the little disc had to fall out onto the floor through a small hole in the bag.I finally found the disc after I swept the floor & had to sift through the dirt & cat hair.(my cat is a long-haired cat) You can be assured that I put the disc in it's own little parts bag & then into the bag with the other pump parts.
Glad to know I’m not the only one who has sifted through what I’ve swept up!!Running s as magnet through it speeds it up if your lost item is metal.
Took a quick initial look at that Super 10-10 I got in my recent deal. This thing is completely clapped out, but I expected that to be the case.
Severe mag rot and corrosion present. It's like this was just left in standing water or out in the rain or something.
Rewind mechanism is corroded out and seized, clutch is blown apart, even the carburetor's throttle valve is seized, which is a new one for me lol.
And finally, the engine itself is seized, to nobodies surprise.

I'm not disappointed though, I viewed this 10-10 as a sort of bonus saw to the good deal I got on the 300 and 1-71. I think what I'm going to do with this one is completely disassemble it at some point, look at what happened to the piston and cylinder, then just use/sell any good parts that happen to be on it. I know for sure that I'm going to use the air filter cover off of this to replace the one on my G-70 that had a chunk cracked out of it.
Speaking of the G-70; now that's a saw I really need to get on my bench and hopefully get running again.
I finally found the elusive RH recoil that came on the 10-10 that I bought back in late Oct.Been looking for it for the better part of a month.What a sorry state it was in too.Whoever had the saw must've thought they were very clever in what they did.The retaining ring was gone,they probably broke it while trying to remove it,so rather than go get a new ring they drilled 3 holes in the housing & put cotter pins in.The heads of the cotter pins were enough (I think) to hold the tear drop plate in place.I pulled it apart & found a broken recoil spring & the pulley was the saddest looking thing I'd seen in a recoil.It was severely pitted & no matter how much I tried shining it up,it didn't help.I had a helluva time getting the rope unwound.I had to soak it in Deep Creep for a few minutes & the use a pliers on the rope to unwind it from the pulley.I finally got to where I thought I could see the little pin that holds the rope in place.I ended up breaking off the tip of my ice pick in there,so that was the end of that endeavor.I had to use sandpaper on the inside of the housing to get the mag rot & crud out.Surprisingly it cleaned up quite well.I have an extra retaining ring to use when putting it back together.I saw one on Feebay for $18 + shipping! I should've taken pics on this one.