Did some cutting today, ran a few saws. The 7-10 and PM55 both performed flawlessly. The 5-10 still has an ignition issue. I made 2 cuts with it, it was too rich, I paused to tune it and while I was tuning it, it just shut off. I checked and had no spark. Have not looked into it any further. I replaced the coil and flywheel with known good and installed a new ignition module in place of the points. Thinking at this point it must be the kill switch...... unless the module died prematurely, but I've had good luck with them thus far.
Also ran the 1-43 I picked up yesterday. It ran strong but what a dog of a saw, definitely detuned from the other front tank saws I've run lol. I rocked the chain on that one. It was a brand new, never filed, Oregon chipper chain. Anyone have tips on filing this round tooth chipper chain? I always struggle with it. I can file a full chisel razor sharp but just can't seem to get chipper chain for some reason.
30° degree angle, but its important to keep the file perfectly flat(aka 90°) to the bar. You don't want to tip the file .