Wow that's cool

I don't see the noise an issue. It's a chainsaw they are loud. Ya wear ear protection anyway.
Funny story we were at workmates 1 night a few beers were on and needed a pellet cut up for a bit of quick wood for the garage fire. My mate has a 700 I convinced him he needed and he made me run it as I was the Mac guy and the most sober.
Anyway the youngest guy there 18 apprentice towney kid was always asking when can I use a chainsaw c'mon c'mon let me use the saw and of course there's no way in hell I'm letting a half drunk kid use the saw it's dark and bla bla just no. Anyway he's all like yup yup. Until.... I start the 700 lol lol I've never seen him run so damn fast he shot off down the drive like a cat with its tail on fire holding his ears Hahahaha. Poor kid thought he was the man until the that big scary old mac went pop pop.
He's still scared of chainsaws )