My grandson Grady is done with baseball and swimming and only has a few hours of school related activities each week (lifting weights) so he has some time to spare. I gave him the option of cleaning parts or running the computer while I continued sorting parts today and he chose the computer this time. He's 14 years old and actually quite handy with the Excel spread sheets, and was so pleased with how today went that he's coming back earlier tomorrow.
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I have my inventory spreadsheet that I started several years ago with prices, quantities, and locations as well as the one I got from Discount Marine with their counts, prices, and descriptions. As I open a bag or box from the Discount Marine inventory I call out the part number, he checks my spreadsheet to see if I already have that part number and checks quantities and location, then checks the Discount Marine spreadsheet for their count, description, and prices. From there we decide if I can just add the parts to my current location or have to move them to the attic where I have more room. Some items like trimmer, pump, and blower parts are relegated to my garage as I have somewhat limited space in the new building. He's almost as much fun as working with my older son Jeff who has been coming most Saturdays sent March to help sort and put away.