Well, my curiosity got the better of me, so I got up & loosened some allen bolts.
It's definitely been run.....
Oh well, not really important.
The bore is still stock @ 2.165". However, it sustained some scoring somewhere along the line. Looks like all of the smaller stuff has cross hatching lines over the score marks. The largest mark is clean. The largest is also the only one that I can feel with a fingernail. However, a metal point doesn't catch on it or any of the smaller stuff.
It's interesting how the wall above the exhaust port is the cleanest.
I don't know what kind of a life a kart engine lives. In that whether not what appears to be very lightly used is indeed very lightly used.
I'm used to chainsaws, where it's usually pretty easy to tell how much work had been done. I figured that chain rash would be a good indicator, but there is none to be found.
In any case, it's a prime candidate for a working class kartsaw. Even if someone blew it up & tried to pass a hone through followed by a new piston.
Or maybe it ate some road dirt with just a few hours on it.
I swear that I'm seeing what looks like oily sawdust fines all over it. I was assuming it to be decades of storage dust, but now that I know its been run, maybe it's already been a chainsaw.
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