If I put an ignition chip on, is there any kind of timing I have to do? and is there anything to know?
You can search online Atom ignition chip and come up with several links to review info about the chips and some links will be to this site and some to the Homie site.
Some guys have good luck with them NOVA electronic chips but I try to stay away from them if at all possible for a chainsaw. I've seen timing off and have to remove the flywheel key and move the flywheel to get timed and not use a key, I changed chips of same brand and type and the timing change chip to chip, I've had them running good and next day no go. I keep the old NLA Atom chips around just to sub for points and condenser to see if I get a good run and if so I then install new points and condenser. I've got points and condenser saws that are 50 years old with same points and condenser.
The old Atom chips were well made electronics and came in color codes for different engines.