Mister Wizard
Lets see, from right to left. An Echo 451, then the Destroyer 10-10, Echo 602, the girl has a 925 and that goofy bastard has a 660.
The 660 was the third McCulloch I had ever run, starting back in June of 1974, over the next six years, I cut some interesting wood with it. It was my go to saw for the weird and ugly. I rarely gave any thought to how much a chainsaw weighed, only what I could do with it. Back then, I could have a 660 in each hand, run aways uphill and commence sawing. I was a barbaric animal, often went out of my way just to kill something.
Gimme the Destroyer, the girl's Homie XL925, the Mac 660, and that badass International truck! They can keep the old Echos. I've got a 451 that I can't give away...