Stiff Member
unreasonable facsimile
unreasonable facsimile
I like your new avatar!!!
This evening I cleaned gaskets off the SP125 and I am still stumped as to why I have oil in the crank case
I see no reason for it being there and have been pouring over the IPL to see if something is missing.
Here is a picture of the oil pump. Is there anything a miss looking on this? It all moves freely. I am confused as to how the tank oil is kept seperate from crank case as it runs (meaning I see the how in the top of the cover but should there be more to it than that). The gasket that seals the oil tank from the crank case plate/cover was pretty much just mush. I am wondering if that was enough for oil to get past it somehow. The gasket from crankcase to plate/cover is in good condition and could be reused.
I just do not want to miss anything obvious.
I would guess the blue one is really based on the 10-10, McCulloch sold a number of the 10-10 power heads to others and many were painted blue. Belgian has a blue 10-10 based cut off saw, come to think of it I have a blue 795 based cut off saw myself.
Mark,I think your collection would over fill my house, workshop, wood shed and carport.
You can see yellow in places under the crappy blue paint, and blue paint on the gas gap. Plus the Mac badge still in place.
We'll see how the blue auction goes,got out bid on a running but well used 250 on sunday,it went for NZ$120,helped that it had a new 18" chain on it,cost about $40+ just for the chain here.
I had to draw the line somewhere,really wanted to get PM700#2 first.Looks to be in too good condition to pass up.
could someone tell me how to change my avatar
could someone tell me how to change my avatar
Will someone PLEASE tell me what the :censored: is going on here...
McCulloch Pro Mac 610 Chainsaw | eBay
I meant to check back on this saw but I forgot, so can anyone tell me what I missed out on? I went back through the last several pages in hopes that ya'll may have already figured it out, but I did not see anything. I figured something that could pull a 38" bar would have been worth owning.
McCulloch chainsaw vintage 38" bar | eBay
It was a 1-6somthing. 80cc geardrive, I was looking at it for the bar, but have other things I need more LOL.
How are you Brian my lad?
I have bought saws, just for the B&C, which is often worth twice or more what the whole saw was.