Stiff Member
Actually it was a 3/8 sprocket nose. I thought it would go cheap as a result, but I was too cheap as usual. Ron
Seems odd to have a 3/8" tip on that length of bar. Oh well, this world makes little sense to me anymore.
Actually it was a 3/8 sprocket nose. I thought it would go cheap as a result, but I was too cheap as usual. Ron
Who started this "Roller Fever"?
cpr again?
Stare into the shimmering light as it spins. I shall count backwards from 10... (sound of wolves howling and distant thunder).
Let's focus boys, focus...
Thanks for the info Mark.
Here are some pics and a vid of my new 125/101B. This saw is the real deal. I never had a saw that torque steers this much when I goose the throttle. Can't wait to do some cutting with it. I will probably swap bars to cut with it. It has 404 .058 skip tooth set up now.
Thanks for the info Mark.
Here are some pics and a vid of my new 125/101B. This saw is the real deal. I never had a saw that torque steers this much when I goose the throttle. Can't wait to do some cutting with it. I will probably swap bars to cut with it. It has 404 .058 skip tooth set up now.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid230.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fee274%2Fjmueller57%2Fchainsaw%2F007-2.mp4">
Thanks for the info Mark.
Here are some pics and a vid of my new 125/101B. This saw is the real deal. I never had a saw that torque steers this much when I goose the throttle. Can't wait to do some cutting with it. I will probably swap bars to cut with it. It has 404 .058 skip tooth set up now.
Looks great. Would you mind posting the link for that video? Embedded seldom work for me on this site. Don't know why...
If you reply with quote to his post, the url will be there for you to copy.
I see what you mean. I wonder if the difference is if somebody embeds a video instead of using the video embed icon.