Stiff Member
Yep, a 10-10 airbox and carb.
What might be the correct spark plug for this 300 and, i have no spark and will need to dig into the points next.
I know this is pretty sketchy, but back in 1962, Dad bought a McCulloch chainsaw with a 16" bar & standard 3/8ths chain. #It was heavy too. #We used it at least 10 years, and cut many tall oaks with it.
Could someone shoot me a guess as to what model might have been? #I'm sure it would be the avg model going that year .
Probably a 1-40 series saw, such as a 1-43. Are you certain it had 3/8" chain to begin with? Those (and most other "smaller" saws back then) would have had .404 or 7/16" chain. If it was a few years later, I'd say the saw was a 1-10 or 2-10. Those ran 3/8" chain, but weren't around in 1962.
Not certain at all. Just assumed it was. I'll dig around, I might find an old chain that came off it. I never knew what went with that saw till the other day. My little brother had it all along till recently when he cleaned out his storage shed.:msp_ohmy: he tossed it!
That kind of thing happens sometimes. I have a good friend who tossed a Homelite 2100 years ago (before I knew him). Can't let it ruin friendships or family relations. He knows not to do that again!
I'll bet it's from 1964-65 or so and is of the X-10 family.
That kind of thing happens sometimes. I have a good friend who tossed a Homelite 2100 years ago (before I knew him). Can't let it ruin friendships or family relations. He knows not to do that again!
I'll bet it's from 1964-65 or so and is of the X-10 family.
That kind of thing happens sometimes. I have a good friend who tossed a Homelite 2100 years ago (before I knew him). Can't let it ruin friendships or family relations. He knows not to do that again!
I'll bet it's from 1964-65 or so and is of the X-10 family.