Mister Wizard
Finished this one yesterday. Other than being super filthy the saw show very little use. I took it down and gave it a good cleaning. I flushe the fuel tank, new lines and filter. I removed the muffler screen and and noticed it was clogged solid. The wire wheel cleaned it up good. I re-built the carb but it just would not dial in. I bought a new HDB walboro and it runs like new. I know these saws get a bad rap sometimes but I like it and I know 2 other guys who bought PM 610s new in '87 and still use them today, and have had not problems. This 3.7 Montgomery wards saw is cool cause you dont see them a lot.
Jim - I reckon you will discover an automatic oil pump under the cover on the right hand side of the saw. Gear driven oil pump operates off the sprocket shaft so it only pumps oil when the chain is moving.
Stihl bars bolt up? Between that, the 3/8" pitch chain, and the swapped tank/AF cover/carb parts.....I'd say that you have a 'custom' saw put together by someone who knew how to adapt and overcome. More detailed pics por favor!opcorn:
So how do you identify these saws for the proper model # if the numbers don't tell a clear story? It could be one of 2 or 3 different models like the super lg 2 or the 2-10 g and it seems there were one or more others, every thing but the top cover looks original like same shade of yellow and no odd fading between the pieces, so I assume the original top cover was damaged and then replaced with a more common part. It would be great to find a automatic oilier on there and while I have the bar and chain off I will see if it is working. Either way it is a very cool saw and I am impressed with how well it cuts wood. Another cool thing about it that I found out by sheer accident is that a Stihl bar will mount right up, adjuster and oil hole included.
Oh crap! A stihl bar on a Mac. I may never be the same. Please don't make me watch a video or see a picture.
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just close your eyes.
well, y'all may not hear from me for a week or so if that video is posted. if i don't fully recover, I may have to put my saws in a will (where I leave 'em ALL to Eccentric). uh oh, don't get any ideas. :help:
Oh crap! A stihl bar on a Mac. I may never be the same. Please don't make me watch a video or see a picture.
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