A dude is like a dude-ette, only with danglies.
A dude is like a dude-ette, only with danglies.
Jeff has plenty of patience, I really doubt he will have too many occasions to need it but he has it just in case...
I would hope if he had a chance to do some cutting on anything big he would let me know so I could bring some heavy artillery.
When we picked up my McCulloch 840 last year about this time, the guy had a PM 650 with a 24 and 48" bar. He told us once he got the 650 he stopped using the 840 (equipped with 36" bar) and did everything with the 650. He said it wasn't fast with the 48" bar but it was easier to handle than the 840.
How about a "dood",or "dewd",or"deud",or"duud".
OH yea, try lightening up there Francis.:monkey:
That makes no sense whatsoever so I guess I am missing something.?????????
In any event if you refer to man here as a "dude" you will probably be met with a poke in the nose.
Got a new clutch drum and rim for Christmas (thanks to the wife)! I have the nut off but how does the clutch rotor come off? Is it threaded on or do I need to pull/pry it off?
It looks like it needs to be pulled off of a taper on the IPL I have but want to make sure.
The only 650 that I have ran did have alot more then the 610's that I had did and would do fine with a 24".
I did have a chance at a decent 650 a while back, but the seller thought it was worth more then I did. That's starting to happen alot more now that I think of it. LOL
IMHO The thin-ring 610's and 650's are noticably stronger than the thick ring ones. I have run 24" bars on them as well. One in good tune will pull 24" fine, but 18" is more fun. The thin ring ones will not tolerate dirty air filters very long at all. Short of straight gas, hardly anything will kill the old thick ring ones.
are the 605's made both ways too?
IMHO The thin-ring 610's and 650's are noticably stronger than the thick ring ones. I have run 24" bars on them as well. One in good tune will pull 24" fine, but 18" is more fun. The thin ring ones will not tolerate dirty air filters very long at all. Short of straight gas, hardly anything will kill the old thick ring ones.
I have a 610 and was wondering if it is a thick or thin ring one. I guess just pull the muffler off and look? What thickness am I looking for?
Either that or seach those confusing McCulloch IPL's. Probably easier just to pull the muffler. I don't know what the measurements are off hand but you will know right away just by looking. Theres that much difference.
I suppose you just want to know but I doubt you will change whatevers there.
mark do you know anyone that is needing a piston ring set for a mac 10-10 part # 62814 reason i ask is i ran across a set just a second ago