Went to pick up a log splitter and this came home also. Anybody have a need?View attachment 224997View attachment 224998
Went to pick up a log splitter and this came home also. Anybody have a need?View attachment 224997View attachment 224998
Pulled this out of my soon to be, new storage shop. What exactly is it?
Went to pick up a log splitter and this came home also. Anybody have a need?View attachment 224997View attachment 224998
Picked up a nice piece of Mac Meat today.
I'm thinking I'm going to tear it down this week and try to get er going
I picked one up just like it this week , not sure if i paid to much for it( $50 but it runs), and it helped me get the 056 for cheep the guy was selling also, Is yours running
Picked up a nice piece of Mac Meat today.
I'm thinking I'm going to tear it down this week and try to get er going
Page 895 deserves a few pic's.
Here's a few of mine.
I'm in the shop today working on the SP125C. It starts easy, oils good, compression will break your fingers off. Upper RPM power is great, but on the low end it wants to run away. It takes about two rounds out on the low needle to get it to settle it down. The intake boot is new, so now I guess I'm looking at pulling the motor to pressure test. I'll gladly take any tips since I've not pressure tested one of these yet. I'm calling the gurus out, thanks guys.
Are you sure your intake boot is seated correctly?
A saw that old i would skip the pressure test and
just replace all 3 seals. The seals in the pic's are
installed correctly. The PTO side is a double lip seal.
There are 2 seals on the mag side. Once you pull the
outer seal you will see another. The outer is just to
keep oil out of the points if the inner weeps a bit.
Your also so close to removing the side case, It might
be a good idea to remove and reseal it to the block.
You can also check that side crank bearing at the same
Are you sure your intake boot is seated correctly?
A saw that old i would skip the pressure test and
just replace all 3 seals. The seals in the pic's are
installed correctly. The PTO side is a double lip seal.
There are 2 seals on the mag side. Once you pull the
outer seal you will see another. The outer is just to
keep oil out of the points if the inner weeps a bit.
Your also so close to removing the side case, It might
be a good idea to remove and reseal it to the block.
You can also check that side crank bearing at the same