They're not terribly desirable. Mac made a zillion of them over about a 15 year period (the Acres production year info is wrong on this one). They were a consumer/farmer saw made to compete with the Homelite Buz/500, Mono/Montgomery Wards, Clilnton, and Sears saws in the same class.
Most have the 'gravity fed' Tillotson HC carb (as do many of those other saws in the class). Some late ones have a Walbro SDC. They have the same basic 80cc engine as a Mac 1-43 and 200. These have less ports machined in the cylinder than a 250 or 1-50 series (to 'mellow' the power a bit for this price point). They're fun for making noise and messing with at GTG's. If it interests you then buy it, but don't pay a lotta money for it. Parts are easy to come by too...
Thanks, Aaron. Comes with a clapped out XL-12 just for good measure.

Think I may pass on this one.