I have had a pretty good week adding bits and pieces to the hoard. 3 each of 1-6X carcasses one with long hardnose bar, 1 each S55 carcass, 1 each 33 carcass with bar and chain, PM805 carcass with a nice AF cover, a variety of 20 and 24" 10 Series bars (well used), a nice box of parts like brake bands for the long cover 10 Series, a whole pile of 10 Series brake handles, 1 set of PM700 type rings, 3 each spark plug covers for the front tank saws, 1 each 3-25 diaphragm, 6T 1/2" pitch sprocket for the gear drives, a dozen or so recoil springs mixed between large frame front tank and 10 Series saws, 1 each PM1000 clutch cover complete with brake, 1 each 10 Series clutch (keyed to work with RH nut crank shafts, a couple of file guides, and some other miscellaneous bits and pieces. Total so far is $110...
Then today I was able to stop and see 2Twannabe and got a NOS PM700 piston and a decent used cylinder just for stopping by...
Still on the road mostly for the next few weeks but there will be a whole lot of fun waiting if I ever get to spend time at home again.
I'll put up some photo's when I find my camera again.