Got to a stopping point to break for lunch. Here's how she's looking so far:
I've torn down and cleaned some dirty old American V8 engines/parts, but I think this saw takes the cake for how much crud was hanging out in crevices! Using my air compressor to blow off a lot of the crud, I think I put something on my walls and workbench akin to Jackson *******! I think this may have helped preserve what's underneath though.
One bar plate was where it should be between the bar and oil tank, and the other was hanging out back by the muffler, but I do have both!
Split the tank and found about what was expected for sitting with fuel for years (but I think it could be worse!). Looks like the fuel line was kinked by the filter, and the filter looked pretty bad too, I'm surprised I got this thing to meter fuel at all before. Could explain why it seemed like it was starving out then if I shook the tank it would act like it was getting fuel again.

Hit it with a bit of Goof Off spray to soften up the varnish, then going to try a scouring pad as mentioned on here previously. Looks like the paint is bubbling a bit in a few areas like over by where the handle mounts, I'll try to be gentle there.
Looks like some kind of cloth got caught in the sprocket at some point!