M.D. Vaden
begleytree said:Can't debate the veracity of their statements without a link, Vaden.
Don't need a link.
Are you saying that you've never read any ISA or college textbooks that cover the permanent wilting point?
Trees must have moisture. The presence of moisture, means something is moist.
To avoid the wilting point, every day, means adding enough moisture so roots are always moist.
Like I said, I have no need for a link. I don't even have need to defend my advice page.
I'm not the one who posted the past few days on the internet, that it's bad to keep tree roots moist.
Somebody else did that.
Now it's in somebody elses lap to defend their magic trees that don't need moisture - especially newly planted.
We're not talking saturated, waterlogged or wet, here. But moist.
That's why I'm looking for these magic trees from Jack's nursery of trees that can live without moisture.
By the way, here's the online seminar article on tree watering...
As we note, the article says nothing about flooding to the point of preventing gas exchange.
It's an article on watering, not flooding.
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