Mention backlog before going on estimate?

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Oh, you poor sad man!
He maybe stretching the 50 calls thing, but you have no idea what I do. Actually, you could not do what I do.

I'm back she's spending more time facebooking then cooking. I'm not poor nor sad, just trying to get some real info out of this chit show site. S.D is the 8th largest city in the the U.S. of A. Are you getting that amount of work or call volume, no. You really think these guys living a few blocks from the north pole are this stacked up, not likely. How many calls are you getting on avg and how far you backed out? Im interested to see whats REALLy going on out there. Was a interesting post blown out by phonys.
I'm back she's spending more time facebooking then cooking. I'm not poor nor sad, just trying to get some real info out of this chit show site. S.D is the 8th largest city in the the U.S. of A. Are you getting that amount of work or call volume, no. You really think these guys living a few blocks from the north pole are this stacked up, not likely. How many calls are you getting on avg and how far you backed out? Im interested to see whats REALLy going on out there. Was a interesting post blown out by phonys.

Me 2 weeks , and I am thrilled with that as long as the steady stays steady then all is well , again there are a few that may embellish reality
Sorry but I call b.s. Unless your running the candian division of asplundh or a pizza hut I doubt you are getting 50 calls a day . Especially in a town of barely 100,000. More power to you guys doing well,but c'mon the whole backlog im so busy thing seems to be getting a bit exaggerated round here.

Yeah Rocko or Robin 50 calls a day? For real. How come you haven't answered any pms I have sent you? Whats the name of your company? I am 15 mins from you. Go gettem Holden. I call it as well!
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Yeah Rocko or Robin 50 calls a day? For real. How come you haven't answered any pms I have sent you? Whats the name of your company? I am 15 mins from you. Go gettem Holden. I call it as well!

I really gotta stress I don't personally give a phuck about any of you on this site. Sure I want the legit guys to do well and chime in, but if youre going to throw up total bullchit, kick rocks. Deevo is in the area and knows its pure b.s. I have a history of calling out bullchit, if you wanna ride eachothers legs have at it(50 calls a day ha ha ha ha ha ). This site could be of some value if legit outfits posted realalistic information. Untill then keep postin bought turtles and the jersey shore. P.s You wana call me out jeff. I can bid and run a three man crew before lunch. Then I'm studying for my b.c.m.a. you ain't irreplacable.
We get a lot of calls, we have had 25 calls in one day, but it is always a bunch of junk, single little stumps, firewood, peeps telling me that they want a quote, "but just so you know, I am only going with the cheapest so you better make it good" Crap like that. People wanting to know what is wrong with their tree, "you don't need to come out, just ell me over the phone" EAB questions "is my Japan maple going to need to be treated for that bug thing going around" Out of every 10 calls I get, 1 or 2 are decent legit jobs to bid. The best are "I have a tree that is over my property, I want you to cut it all the way back over the line" Get those, all the time. Lots and lots of stupid stuff. Bids to chip brush piles, that are 20 years old and mixed with dirt, garbage and cement chunks. Lots of crap calls.
I really gotta stress I don't personally give a phuck about any of you on this site. Sure I want the legit guys to do well and chime in, but if youre going to throw up total bullchit, kick rocks. Deevo is in the area and knows its pure b.s. I have a history of calling out bullchit, if you wanna ride eachothers legs have at it(50 calls a day ha ha ha ha ha ). This site could be of some value if legit outfits posted realalistic information. Untill then keep postin bought turtles and the jersey shore. P.s You wana call me out jeff. I can bid and run a three man crew before lunch. Then I'm studying for my b.c.m.a. you ain't irreplacable.

Well HW, I dont think many care about you either, just wanted to stress that. But I do, just so ya know. I do agree with you, 50 a day, hmmmm. Should be driving a Rolls then. So I call BS too. But to compare what you do before lunch to what Jeff does, I dunno man,maybe a trip to San Diego would open your eye's. Jeff keeps what he does on the down low, most of you have no idea what he does and how big a show he runs. I know it well and its a hell of a lot bigger than what anyone on here has, by far. I 'm not kissin' his boo-taay. He is my buddy, so I will defend him, he has always been reluctant to show his true cards on here. He could learn up, most of us, pretty damn quick, when it comes to running a big show. And its a big freakin show, that he runs. I often think that he must giggle at what some of us call "big jobs" When I worked out there before, I knew who he was before I had my cable turned on. It was made clear to me then, by the guy I worked for (D.S. is a small outfit, only 1.5 mil a year, that is small in the SD market) that Jeff was the "dude" in SD, after several long conversations with my new employer, it is obvious, he still is. Just keep that in mind when ya call him out, he has several employees that do what you, I and many others do, on a day to day. He is not irreplaceable, your right, either are we, and he replaces guys like us all the time. However, I also know Jeff's boss, and he would tell you that you are wrong, that Jeff is not replaceable. What we call epic, Jeff calls Tuesday

One more thing about Jeff, he has had several opportunitys to put on slacks,dress shoes and stay out of the field, he refuses, although he don't go up anymore (has many guys under him) He still "has to be" in the field. And that right there, is pretty damn cool, IMO
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My "little side jobs" are the same thing most of us do every day. Same skill level same pricing same insurance only i get the lions share not some one else. I get about five calls a day by word of mouth only, my "boss" as i put it is able to keep three crews going 52 weeks a year. That's why i work for him. How many guys work year round every day for a small mom and pop company? Not many. He has aggresivly pursued many municple, commercial, and utility jobs. Many of which I helped him to gain. I sometimes think I should have persued them myself but eight years ago I had a pick up and atrailer. Now I own not owe on over a quarter mill in equipment. Not bad for side jobs.
The companies that are backed up for three months are the ones that kill the market. I've only been in business for a couple of years but I know what the market should be and the prices I hear are just stupid. Last job I bid, I knew the HO, and I knew my price was going to be high but I told them I may be able to match a lower bid. My price was $2,400, the next guy was $2000 (it was a $2000 job), the third guy was $1,300. $1,300 and this was from a bigger company with all the equipment. Bid low and get the job, I get it, but so low that you are working for nothing, com' on MAN!!! Thats why some guys are backed up for months. I guess they're just scared not to have any work so they will do anything to keep the back log. If you ask me it's pretty phucking stupid. There is tons of tree work out there but as long as there are a!@ holes that work for nothing this business will never prosper. That's why you are better off with a spray rig then half a mil in equipment. I know a lot of guys in the biz and most of them are smart good dudes that understand what the price that tree work should be. But the ******* that advertise in the penny pincher magazines and do work for nothing kill the biz completley and its sad. Tree work is fun, exciting, never dull, and rewarding work but the low balling clowns make it very difficult to thrive. Im not saying you cant, you def can, but there are standards that need to be set so every one is on the same page. But until every one stops stabbing each other in the back and start working together instead of against, it will never happen.
The companies that are backed up for three months are the ones that kill the market. I've only been in business for a couple of years but I know what the market should be and the prices I hear are just stupid. Last job I bid, I knew the HO, and I knew my price was going to be high but I told them I may be able to match a lower bid. My price was $2,400, the next guy was $2000 (it was a $2000 job), the third guy was $1,300. $1,300 and this was from a bigger company with all the equipment. Bid low and get the job, I get it, but so low that you are working for nothing, com' on MAN!!! Thats why some guys are backed up for months. I guess they're just scared not to have any work so they will do anything to keep the back log. If you ask me it's pretty phucking stupid. There is tons of tree work out there but as long as there are a!@ holes that work for nothing this business will never prosper. That's why you are better off with a spray rig then half a mil in equipment. I know a lot of guys in the biz and most of them are smart good dudes that understand what the price that tree work should be. But the ******* that advertise in the penny pincher magazines and do work for nothing kill the biz completley and its sad. Tree work is fun, exciting, never dull, and rewarding work but the low balling clowns make it very difficult to thrive. Im not saying you cant, you def can, but there are standards that need to be set so every one is on the same page. But until every one stops stabbing each other in the back and start working together instead of against, it will never happen.
maybe that's the problem why would waste your time and care about competitors just do your thing sell your work and yourself ! If you are what other people conceive you as then you will do well ! Me I just smile and wave and yea even too the hacks and pick up truck and saw guys I don't care anymore and the big companies maybe they could stamp me out with the quickness and maybe some of the guys I wave too hate me but who cares ! When people tell me that got a better price I say have a nice day and if it falls through I am always willing to help . You don't have to whore yourself to make money I have a number now that I go for daily if exceed that great then the days I fall short I have a little banked always the same it's reliable and pays my bills , and I live half way decent I worry about money but I am married with children and heavy house bills but I love it and after 13 years its never let me down
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The companies that are backed up for three months are the ones that kill the market. I've only been in business for a couple of years but I know what the market should be and the prices I hear are just stupid. Last job I bid, I knew the HO, and I knew my price was going to be high but I told them I may be able to match a lower bid. My price was $2,400, the next guy was $2000 (it was a $2000 job), the third guy was $1,300. $1,300 and this was from a bigger company with all the equipment. Bid low and get the job, I get it, but so low that you are working for nothing, com' on MAN!!! Thats why some guys are backed up for months. I guess they're just scared not to have any work so they will do anything to keep the back log. If you ask me it's pretty phucking stupid. There is tons of tree work out there but as long as there are a!@ holes that work for nothing this business will never prosper. That's why you are better off with a spray rig then half a mil in equipment. I know a lot of guys in the biz and most of them are smart good dudes that understand what the price that tree work should be. But the ******* that advertise in the penny pincher magazines and do work for nothing kill the biz completley and its sad. Tree work is fun, exciting, never dull, and rewarding work but the low balling clowns make it very difficult to thrive. Im not saying you cant, you def can, but there are standards that need to be set so every one is on the same page. But until every one stops stabbing each other in the back and start working together instead of against, it will never happen.

You sure made your first post sound stupid.
maybe that's the problem why would waste your time and care about competitors just do your thing sell your work and yourself ! If you are what other people conceive you as then you will do well ! Me I just smile and wave and yea even too the hacks and pick up truck and saw guys I don't care anymore and the big companies maybe they could stamp me out with the quickness and maybe some of the guys I wave too hate me but who cares ! When people tell me that got a better price I say have a nice day and if it falls through I am always willing to help . You don't have to whore yourself to make money I have a number now that I go for daily if exceed that great then the days I fall short I have a little banked always the same it's reliable and pays my bills , and I live half way decent I worry about money but I am married with children and heavy house bills but I love it and after 13 years its never let me down

Thats just what I do, I sell my self and the quality of work that I do.
I leave a message on my answering machine saying that I am currently running 6 weeks behind but if you can wait that long or are an existing customer than please leave a message.I find this also seems to weed out those who are looking for the lowest price.I usually receive about 50 calls a day and without that message I would spend all day and night on the phone

Must be busy looking at your 50 jobs eh Robin? Or in Penetang
The companies that are backed up for three months are the ones that kill the market. I've only been in business for a couple of years but I know what the market should be and the prices I hear are just stupid. Last job I bid, I knew the HO, and I knew my price was going to be high but I told them I may be able to match a lower bid. My price was $2,400, the next guy was $2000 (it was a $2000 job), the third guy was $1,300. $1,300 and this was from a bigger company with all the equipment. Bid low and get the job, I get it, but so low that you are working for nothing, com' on MAN!!! Thats why some guys are backed up for months. I guess they're just scared not to have any work so they will do anything to keep the back log. If you ask me it's pretty phucking stupid. There is tons of tree work out there but as long as there are a!@ holes that work for nothing this business will never prosper. That's why you are better off with a spray rig then half a mil in equipment. I know a lot of guys in the biz and most of them are smart good dudes that understand what the price that tree work should be. But the ******* that advertise in the penny pincher magazines and do work for nothing kill the biz completley and its sad. Tree work is fun, exciting, never dull, and rewarding work but the low balling clowns make it very difficult to thrive. Im not saying you cant, you def can, but there are standards that need to be set so every one is on the same page. But until every one stops stabbing each other in the back and start working together instead of against, it will never happen.

I am glad you got that cleared up for us. Wonder what my problem is then, I am usually the most expensive, but still have a backlog, wonder what am I doing wrong? it smart to mention the back log before the estimate or wait until you have a chance to actually "get your foot in the door" and then mention it? it smart to mention the back log before the estimate or wait until you have a chance to actually "get your foot in the door" and then mention it?

Yea I wait to answer that question until the hook is set tight ! Actually recently I have a few people ask me that on the phone I usually say lets see what ya got then I will figure out where your work will fit in . Seems to be changing out there as well now , a bit more consistent
I am glad you got that cleared up for us. Wonder what my problem is then, I am usually the most expensive, but still have a backlog, wonder what am I doing wrong?

I will just throw this out there but there are days that you've appeared to be poorly motivated I mean just breaking balls a bit but you had a streak there where a broken boot lace had ya bagging it for the day
I will just throw this out there but there are days that you've appeared to be poorly motivated I mean just breaking balls a bit but you had a streak there where a broken boot lace had ya bagging it for the day

Yes I have, have had many a day like that lol. Hell, I still might and probably will!