Now that you've seen it, I'll write my "unbiased" review.
Is this kit the prettiest I've seen? No. It still has "issues" that I, as an "enthusiast" would "improve" before I slapped it on and said go. The bevels are a bit much, the intake a little misshapen, and in full disclosure, the plating in this jug doesn't look as crisp or clean as the previous one, with some honing marks that concern me. I tried to get a pic of em, but the flash over exaggerated em, so i didn't post em. Is it usable as is? Probably so, and I will find out before altering it.
Is it OEM? Absolutely not. The final "fit and finish" just isn't as nice, but it looks just as nice as every single aftermarket kit I've held in
my hands,
but with a much, much nicer piston. What it is, is a viable option for someone who doesn't mind doing the fit and finish work himself, like most of us "hobby porters".
Will they make as much power as OEM? I dunno, but I'll find out.
Funny story about aftermarket cylinders. I had an 066 kit by an aftermarket manufacture named "New West". It looked to be a chrome bore, with no decomp and definetly not the prettiest thing I'd seen. Had some rather odd shaped ports too. Well, this guy I know, who won't be named, but goes by the name mastermind, didn't have a jug for the 066 buildoff I had in the spring, so I gave it to him, so he wouldn't be left out of the build.
Well, he used that "crappy" cylinder, and proceeded to kick everyone down here's hiney. That Bastard....