Opportunistic Hooligan
That'd be me buddy:msp_thumbup:
I've got one I'd like you to check out if you could make time in your busy schedule, it's for a Wild Thingy. I been thinking about getting it porked... oops, I mean ported.
That'd be me buddy:msp_thumbup:
I've got one I'd like you to check out if you could make time in your busy schedule, it's for a Wild Thingy. I been thinking about getting it porked... oops, I mean ported.
Just for the record, I have no agenda or hidden motive.
17 pages of banter and bulls hit
What I see here is.................much ado about nothing!
Pogo, where do you come up with crap like that?
Psychology 101.
did you skip a lot of class?:hmm3grin2orange:
17 pages of banter and bulls hit and we are still divided.
I've tried to stay on the sidelines and watch the fray but I think I'll throw my 2 cents in here.
We need to remember that these are TOOLS!
As much as we would like to give them human personalities and traits, they are still just slugs of aluminum with steel rings that run up and down in a tube of aluminum with a plated coating inside.
I've seen some of the fastest saws at GTGs have port work that looked like it was done with a chisel and claw hammer!
How good does a cylinder have to be to contain an explosion and drive a piston downward?
Are you putting one of these aftermarket cylinders on and engine that you are running in next years Indy 500?
Will a sawyer in the woods ever think about how the ports look in the saw he is running?
Will the wood stove CARE if the wood it burns was cut with a saw with an aftermarket or OEM cylinder?
It is a FACT that a waxed car will get better fuel mileage.
Will it be enough better to pay for the cost of the wax?
If the aftermarket cylinders are junk, why are there so many sitting on saws cutting wood every day?
If the OEM cylinders are so great why are so many guys buying BRAND NEW chainsaws and shipping them to the porters for modification?
When push comes to shove, it all boils down to the individual customer and his needs and wants and FUNDS!
Not everyone can afford a $200.00 top end for an otherwise great saw, what are they supposed to do?
I have a few saws here running aftermarket cylinders and doing just fine...thank you!
I also have a couple here that are running top ends that other members THREW AWAY because they weren't good enough for them to run on one of their saws...............don't I Jeremy???:msp_rolleyes:
What I see here is.................much ado about nothing!
Looks to me like a sour grapes retort by somebody who missed the Meteor train while other guys were hoppin' on to a proven product and beginning to offer it as an affordable alternative to OEM in their respective lines of business as saw builders and porters. Period.
Did you read any of my post other than what you quoted???
What part of "I have a few saws running aftermarket cylinders and doing just fine....thank you!"
Do you have a problem understanding???
I didn't miss the aftermarket train at ALL.
And I would most likely buy an aftermarket kit tomorrow if one were available for a toasted saw of mine.
I'm fully confident that I could clean up irregularities and casting flaws (if necessary) well enough to get a saw back in the woods and working.
Reading comprehension was never your strong suit was it???
He was referring to Brad as the one with a case of sour grapes Mike. :msp_wink:
Did you read any of my post other than what you quoted???
What part of "I have a few saws running aftermarket cylinders and doing just fine....thank you!"
Do you have a problem understanding???
I didn't miss the aftermarket train at ALL.
And I would most likely buy an aftermarket kit tomorrow if one were available for a toasted saw of mine.
I'm fully confident that I could clean up irregularities and casting flaws (if necessary) well enough to get a saw back in the woods and working.
Reading comprehension was never your strong suit was it???
He was referring to Brad as the one with a case of sour grapes Mike. :msp_wink:
Yeah, he wasn't talking about you Mike. Have some pie.:msp_biggrin:
Brad, contact me for an MS460 kit. The kit will come factory direct to your door and I'll never touch it before it arrives. In return, you do a full report including all the specs of timing and compression, timed cuts and all. Meteor kit against stock....If you don't like it, I'll pay for it, I'll even pay the shipping. If its anything like the 372 kit, you get a winner, a great product of good quality at a good price.
Seriously? Is that all that matters? I disagree. This kit is really no different than the one I had before. I installed it and was going to donate it to replace the topend on a saw we raffled here. I wouldn't let it go out with that topend on it. It simply didn't run like a saw I wanted going out of my shop, representing my work. Sure, this topend will run, but there's a lot more to it than that. I see no point in installing this kit.
Seriously? Is that all that matters? I disagree. This kit is really no different than the one I had before. I installed it and was going to donate it to replace the topend on a saw we raffled here. I wouldn't let it go out with that topend on it. It simply didn't run like a saw I wanted going out of my shop, representing my work. Sure, this topend will run, but there's a lot more to it than that. I see no point in installing this kit.
I see no point in installing this kit.