Gypo Logger said:Ekka's math on the weight of wood and # of blocks is interesting and I can actually contribute something in this regard and hope that the riff raff like Del Corbin and FMC don't one more time derail our thread.
Anyway in just under 14 hrs. I blocked 1080 cubic ft. of Maple into 16" pieces, loaded it into a material bucket and dumped it into a forty yard bin.
Now, before everybody jumps up and says, "Woopty Doo", that translates to 6 full cords or 16 tons of wood.
Not bad for an old fart you was in intensive care just a year ago!
It's the efficiency of the work, not the amount of work. Now I did pay for it a bit, and should have dragged it out over 3 five hr. days and not 2 seven hr. days.
Was a bit sore and slightly lack lustre the next day, but that's no biggy, because I'm going to do the same thing again.
So my point is, it's ok for you wood humpers to use me as an example.
You see, I really am a caring person.
John, a cord is only 80 cubic feet of solid wood.....or 128 split and stacked. And a cord of green madrona weighs abt 5200 lb, and 4300 lb dry, making it a wood that loses less weight than most any other as it dries...and, your figures must be off somewhere.
Regardless, you are one hec k of a splittin' dervish!!!