Minnesota,Wisconsin,Iowa, Dakotas GTG's thread

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Seven Corners Ace Hardware has been an institution for 80 years.

The place that other hardware stores send you to when they can't help you.

Pre-Internet, their 'Wall of Power Tools' and catalog rivaled those shops on 42nd Street in New York selling cameras.

Deep inventory in plumbing, electric, hardware, tools, etc., not just screws in plastic bags.

Sponsored a contractors fair 2x a year with all the reps and very favorable pricing.

It would be like Madsen's or Bailey's closing.


(PS - no chainsaw stuff for anybody looking for close out sales)
The only other hardware store I know of that is stocked as well as 7 Corners is the one in St. Francis. If they don't have it, you don't need it! I have been able to purchase new, things that have been out of production for many years!

I was just at Tdawgs yesterday having a beer with my Mom. They said 3rd weekend in Feb is a go if we want!
We need to get some wood then I suppose. I don't know about the rest of you but it doesn't really matter to me if the logs are milled square or if we just use logs. Its all just for fun anyways and using logs would take away a lot of the prep work. Jon, can we get back in to the pine logs right now? I would almost bet not with all the snow. Either way we should try to come up with a plan as February 15 will be upon us shortly. I am willing to help out how ever I can.
Why does the chainsaw races always happen during Sturgeon Spearing. You guys need to change the date.


Cuz Sturgeon spearing Is for people who don't know how to run a chainsaw....

I'll see what I can come up with Andy. I Put the plow on the front of the dump truck last night, Between that the skid steer & the tractor I think we can get her opened up if we need to. I'll talk to the guy who owns the land and see what he says. Another thought is some nice size Birch trees. Theres plenty of good size frozen ones around.