Minnesota,Wisconsin,Iowa, Dakotas GTG's thread

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I lost a nephew so I can relate but I can't make it feel any better. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
Thank you to all who helped with the charity cut today in the big Village of Dresser! Thank you so much, it was nice to meet those of you we had not met yet! look forward to working with you all again!

FB, Bryanna {Half Pint} + Alex {AJ}
Thank you to all who helped with the charity cut today in the big Village of Dresser! Thank you so much, it was nice to meet those of you we had not met yet! look forward to working with you all again!

FB, Bryanna {Half Pint} + Alex {AJ}

No problem Fatness. Had a good time as usual. Thanks for your hospitality!
Mackenzie, she passed this morning at 7:12. She was 4 months old yesterday and born to be an angel. She passed and left a big void home but she will be helping many with her organs. She was born to save lives in my eyes. Thanks for prayers and support, this one really hurt.

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2

prayers comming from the north from our family to yours

may you find peace and understanging in your time with your family and

Had a real good time cutting with you folks over in Dresser yesterday. I was amazed how fast we went thru that wood pile!!! I was having too much fun cutting, wished the pile was bigger.:msp_smile:
Mackenzie, she passed this morning at 7:12. She was 4 months old yesterday and born to be an angel. She passed and left a big void home but she will be helping many with her organs. She was born to save lives in my eyes. Thanks for prayers and support, this one really hurt.

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2

My thots are with you guys Adam. Everyday & every person is a gift... stay strong pal.
Adam, sorry for your family's loss. I can't imagine what you are feeling now, but know that it will get better.

Pictures coming in a bit.
Start of the day, plenty of saws, splitters, and haulers on duty, shortly after 8 AM:


All the splitters were manned, and there were plenty of cutters working, so I grabbed the Fiskars and started swinging. I suprised myself how much wood a guy can make with a little ambition and a Fiskars:


Boyd hauling the first of many loads off to the stacking site:




My buddy Greg shared Fiskaring duties with me. He made sure I got a pic because he figured no one would believe him otherwise. I got a good action shot here:


Manning one of the splitters:


Can't get anything split without these guys cutting it for us:


Caramel rolls!!!!


More in a minute.
Time for a break, and something for the ole sweet tooth:


One of the young helpers getting the view from the top:


10AM, piles are dwindling fast:


The highway skins on the Chev weren't up to dragging a few tons of oak out of the snow,Boyd needed a little help from Derbyguy. Caution, chain yanking (literally) ahead:

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/o_RvoV69Who" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cutting and splitting all done, got a line going to speed up the loading process:


Now that's a load!


Another big load:


Still got a few more yet to come.
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Video doesn't seem to be working, I've got it uploading to YouTube and I'll go back and edit it in there when it's done.

11:15 AM, nothing left but sawdust:


A few pics from the stacking end, sorry about the shutter being partway closed on these pics, it hangs up sometimes:





After action review, dinner, and safety meeting in Fatness' shop:

Good job on the pictures Steve!!! Sarah has some but hasn't gotten around to uploading yet. That was alot of wood to cut, split, haul, and stack in 4 hours.
Here's a quick video - this was pretty much how active it was all morning cutting over at complete auto. It was really neat to see the constant activity as the pile of logs dwindled throughout the morning. I've got some pics I'll post as well..

LINK:IMG 1782 - YouTube

I found myself so fascinated with the progress of the day that I nearly forgot to take any pictures at all! (I felt like I was in the middle of one of those time-lapse videos - like where the tree grows up from a seed into a sapling in a matter of seconds...) Glad Steve got the progress throughout the day - here's a few from near the end of the days' festivities:




(Whatchya doinn there, Michael? :msp_unsure:)