Nobody here mentioned the cost of putting in their OWB. I would love to have one but at about 6-10,000 dollars I can't justify it.
Lighten up Huskyman... My position is not what it seems. I love cutting wood and actually make it my winter time hobby. I have used a wood stove in my walkout basement for about 10yrs now. I love the warm cozy heat it brings to the house. I've looked at the OWB's many times and wish I could justify owning one. Most people in my area with relatively new homes experience utility bills similar to mine if they own an average size home. I'm basically trying to figure out what I might have over looked about their attraction. When I hear someone say they saved 10-12,000 over a 2yr period I'm thinkin wow, they must be spending on utilities what it would cost to by a new house. Thats where I'm coming from.
Nobody here mentioned the cost of putting in their OWB. I would love to have one but at about 6-10,000 dollars I can't justify it. I just have a stove in the walkout basement. Electric bill under 100.00 a month and propane fill every 3rd yr. 1800sq ft. By the time I amortize the initial cost it would take 40yrs to get a payback. Mean while I still got to work hard all winter to have the fuel to feed it. If I were to buy the logs then there is no savings. So I'm not quite understanding how those things are so great. Now if they were relatively inexpensive like 1-3,000 I would already have one. Just like used oil furnaces. Yeh thats great the fuel free and all, but man the purchase price null and voids any savings had by the free fuel. Seems like any alternative heating source has a catch, they're all cost prohibitive to install.
When I built my house 10 years ago my gas bill in the coldest month was $120.00. When I decided to put in my outside stove in 5 years ago my bill in the coldest month was $280.00. I heat my mom's house, my house and my garage with my stove. My basement was around 58 degrees before my stove. I had all the heat shut off down there. Not a good choice, but I did in not want to pay to heat it. It is now 70 degrees. My mom's house is not that well insulated and I would imagine that we are saving around $700 to $800 month during the coldest months. I did not start my stove until the end of October this year and my gas bill went from $24.00 per month to almost $90.00 for the month of October and it was pretty warm this year. If it was 90 then, what would have it been in Jan. and Feb.? There are people I work with that have $700.00 a month gas bill and keep there house at 60. Yes they are big houses, but.... Has my stove paid for itself? Sure has! Would I cut wood if I could heat my house for $120.00 a month in the coldest months. Sure wouldn't! I hate being taken advantage of and that is what is happening with gas and oil. The enjoyment I get from not giving my money to the gas company would almost make it worth it even if I was just breaking even. I loved it when they called my house and wanted to know why I had not been using my normal amount of gas. They wanted to know if I was using an alternative heat source. I told them I did not have an alternate souce of heat. The women then got hateful and threatened to send out somebody to come and change my meter. I told them that they were the ones footing the labor and the cost of the new meter and I would look forward to a replacement. They never worried about a meter replacement when my bill went up. That was not a problem for them. I never got my new meter. I was a tad dissapointed. I aways say that if I hit the lotto for millions I would still burn my wood stove and pay somebody local to deliver wood. I would much rather give it to a local wood supplier than a gas or oil company. I am not cheap and like to spend money, I just don't like being ripped off and throwing money away. I like to have something tangable for my efforts. My electric bills are over $100.00 per month every month and I don't leave lights on when I am not in using rooms. I still don't know what to do about that one. A friend of mine installed a windmill and has not had much luck with it.