Myths and facts of EPA Wood Burning Stoves

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If I had one of them I would be doing some "exercising" about now. However, alass, no such luck for me. Oh and its only 8:30 your clock must be broke!! lol

It's because you live on the wrong side of the world!

I was in Nebraska last year. Had a good time. Lots of flat land and corn ( not so much corn this year I heard). Lots of good hunting ground. Cant wait to go back.
Tonight I got home tired as all get-out, started a fire in my shop, the fire box is 24” x 32” deep. I grabbed a hand full of dry noodles from that elm log I couldn’t split, packed it in the bottom of that new to me stove, poured a quart of used motor oil over it mixed it up a bit. Lit a match tossed it on the pile oil soaked noodles mixed it up a bit, started loading logs on top, as many as I could.

It burnt down a bit then I crammed in big as I could get rounds into the stove, fire was good and hot, felt good on my tired old bones shoved more in.

The fire felt so good I left the door open, it was so hot I had to move the chair back, I moved the splitting log over to rest my feet in front of the fire and whet to sleep, that 1980s fenland made stove none EPA heated my shop to 60 deg while the outside is 22.

I need all you guys to buy and use them EPA stoves, Leave more wood for me, I need all the extra wood I can get so I can leave my door open so I can feel the real wood heat fire has to offer, puts me to sleep real quick, and helps me wake up with a smile. It’s a beautiful thing an open fire in your shop/house, a bit of wood smell and lots of wood heat on your feet drying off the old boots.

OK so I’m half awake and relaxed thinking about going back out to my warm NON-EPA heated shop sit in my chair sipping a on a hot cup of coco then kick my boots up on the log and go back to sleep. Nothing but fire lighted shop coco and good NON-EPA Heat.

Ill be back with a picture
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Tonight I got home tired as all get-out, started a fire in my shop, the fire box is 24” x 32” deep. I grabbed a hand full of dry noodles from that elm log I couldn’t split, packed it in the bottom of that new to me stove, poured a quart of used motor oil over it mixed it up a bit. Lit a match tossed it on the pile oil soaked noodles mixed it up a bit, started loading logs on top, as many as I could.

It burnt down a bit then I crammed in big as I could get rounds into the stove, fire was good and hot, felt good on my tired old bones shoved more in.

The fire felt so good I left the door open, it was so hot I had to move the chair back, I moved the splitting log over to rest my feet in front of the fire and whet to sleep, that 1980s fenland made stove none EPA heated my shop to 60 deg while the outside is 22.

I need all you guys to buy and use them EPA stoves, Leave more wood for me, I need all the extra wood I can get so I can leave my door open so I can feel the real wood heat fire has to offer, puts me to sleep real quick, and helps me wake up with a smile. It’s a beautiful thing an open fire in your shop/house, a bit of wood smell and lots of wood heat on your feet drying off the old boots.

OK so I’m half awake and relaxed thinking about going back out to my warm NON-EPA heated shop sit in my chair sipping a on a hot cup of coco then kick my boots up on the log and go back to sleep. Nothing but fire lighted shop coco and good NON-EPA Heat.

Ill be back with a picture

Daggone it I typed me up a fancy know it all reply and came back to post it and you had already stole my thunder,:msp_ohmy:

Even though we run an OWB thereis nothen better for a cold nor flue symtoms than a dastardly non EPA stove near red with about half dry red elm and a little bit of mother natures "coke" also known as hedge and the draft wide open or maybe even the door left cracked a bit. When you feel like I have the last few days I could care less what is going up the chimney, sure felt good on my old bones and the wood shed is over full anyway and still trees going to waste in the woods.
It's because you live on the wrong side of the world!

I was in Nebraska last year. Had a good time. Lots of flat land and corn ( not so much corn this year I heard). Lots of good hunting ground. Cant wait to go back.

I sure would trade you!! I was born and raised in Montana (western side, Bozeman) and I sure wish I could go back in time and kick my butt for leaving. I would like to see Canada again someday, hopefully on my way to Alaska to live. Right now I am stuck in this corn-holer state, where I am about the only one who goes outside I swear. The rest sit inside watching the **** tube. What part of the backwoods redneck inbred Neb you visit?

This is the 2nd load.


Dont get me wrong.

The stove I have in my house is a wimpy 20 x14inches and heats my 1200 sqfoot house to 80 deg when its -20 outside. with its try to get 2 small split chunks of wood in it 1500 deg firebox.
Go ahead touch that box. burns 6 to 8 hours holds the coals another 12 or 14. ya my home is warm and I only use 2 cords of wood each year could be 3 on a bad year, but its not like sitting in front of a grand ol FIRE. :blob2:
This is the 2nd load.


Dont get me wrong.

The stove I have in my house is a wimpy 20 x14inches and heats my 1200 sqfoot house to 80 deg when its -20 outside. with its try to get 2 small split chunks of wood in it 1500 deg firebox.
Go ahead touch that box. burns 6 to 8 hours holds the coals another 12 or 14. ya my home is warm and I only use 2 cords of wood each year could be 3 on a bad year, but its not like sitting in front of a grand ol FIRE. :blob2:

If u only use 2 cords of wood heating with exclusively wood...sign me up I want one ;).
If u only use 2 cords of wood heating with exclusively wood...sign me up I want one ;).

Bought it used at a yard sale, the guy wanted it gone said it made a mess, ash.
Hersh and knock approved Canada guys I guess. I think its made by VC mod 44e.
not sure too hot to go behind it.

For the last few years Ive been replaceing doors, windows, walls with insulation. this spring Im installing a ne roof. everything is insulated with new insalation over the old, the guys said the old stuff tends to compress, no since in dumping the old stuff its safe will just add more.

this pace is tight .

This is the average fire 2 sticks. and for the last load of the night I toss in a 6" or 8" round log 14" or so inches long, they seem to burn most of the night.
This is the average fire 2 sticks. and for the last load of the night I toss in a 6" or 8" round log 14" or so inches long, they seem to burn most of the night.

You must not have a good idea what a cord is...if u only burn 2 cords of wood in minot using it exclusively for heat....u can make a lot of money. just sayin.
Bought it used at a yard sale, the guy wanted it gone said it made a mess, ash.
Hersh and knock approved Canada guys I guess. I think its made by VC mod 44e.
not sure too hot to go behind it.

For the last few years Ive been replaceing doors, windows, walls with insulation. this spring Im installing a ne rs toof. everything is insulated with new insalation over the old, the guys said the old stuff tends to compress, no since in dumping the old stuff its safe will just add more.

this pace is tight .
My pace is tighter than yours and I don't only go through two cords per winter.
You must not have a good idea what a cord is...if u only burn 2 cords of wood in minot using it exclusively for heat....u can make a lot of money. just sayin.

We have had some scammers from out of state selling face cords of popular for full cords,(full Face cords) claiming there full cords. I have done a lot of flyer campaigning
Informing face cords are not full cords. They are at best a 1/3 of a cord worth 50.00.

I do sell cords some as high as $425.00, but they are special cut for small stoves
8’ to 12” long and 4’ to 5” across, standard cords 4x4x8 ash, elm, bur oak, 150.00
To 250.00, Delivery 50 to 100.

So again I’m not sure what your trying to imply.

I should add the 2 cord of wood is for the house alone not the shop, the barn, the tractor barn, the garage or the Quonset. Just the house
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This is the 2nd load.


Dont get me wrong.

The stove I have in my house is a wimpy 20 x14inches and heats my 1200 sqfoot house to 80 deg when its -20 outside. with its try to get 2 small split chunks of wood in it 1500 deg firebox.
Go ahead touch that box. burns 6 to 8 hours holds the coals another 12 or 14. ya my home is warm and I only use 2 cords of wood each year could be 3 on a bad year, but its not like sitting in front of a grand ol FIRE. :blob2:
2 cords! Heck, there's 1/2 a cord in there now!! :hmm3grin2orange:

Think about the mechanics of it.

You have two small stoves that burn at 85% but burn at 1/2 the btu of the big stove that burns at 85%.
The combination of 1 big stove or two small stoves burn the same amount of wood but the two stoves are dumping more heat into the house from the second set of chimney pipe in the living space.

As long as you load the same wood in all, the little guys will give more heat in the same space.
Tradeoff is now you got two darn stoves to clean and load and start. LOL
I sure would trade you!! I was born and raised in Montana (western side, Bozeman) and I sure wish I could go back in time and kick my butt for leaving. I would like to see Canada again someday, hopefully on my way to Alaska to live. Right now I am stuck in this corn-holer state, where I am about the only one who goes outside I swear. The rest sit inside watching the **** tube. What part of the backwoods redneck inbred Neb you visit?

Landed in Lincoln and drove along the 80 to visit different Hearth dealers all the way to Ogallala. This was a couple weeks after the Joplin tornadoes and it was still very wet everywhere.
Heat from EPA sucks air then puts out BTU radiant heat.

Heat from a non EPA sucks and blows, some cool spots, some hot spots.

When you open a door on a big ass stove you can feel the blast of high heat just like when you open the door of an EPA stove but with EPA its more of a lick then a blast of hot air.

The open door heats my shop 2 times faster then the closed door then after it gets to temp I close the door unless I want to roast a marsh mellows or hot dogs, or steak after after the wood burns down a bid then pop in a heavy skillet steak or throw a grill in their and call it a barbeque. EPA stoves are the cats meow you and I both know it.

But some times that 30/50/100 year old stuff gets it. And some how life seems a little bit better.

Just like going to sleep in front of a roaring fire in a dirt floor pole barn I call a shop.
One day Ill lay down the z pavers, but summer my Harley and I have too much to do.

and in the winter sitting on my ass in front of a big ass fire is too cool to work