I don't get it. Heat from a non-epa stove feels different than heat from an epa stove? Heat is heat. They all throw it out.
You are correct. Wood burning produces 3 kind of heat: radiant, conductive and convective.
For all intent and purposes we refer mainly to radiant & convective. Radiant is infrared emissions. Unlike convective heat it does not heat ambient air but any surface it strikes. For example, when you come in the cold and let yourself warm in front of the fire you mainly feel radiant heat. It strikes your skin and penetrate deeper 'warming your bones'. That's one of the reason people like wood burning.
Convective heat is typically achieved with stove air shields, air mate (heat exchanger) and a blower and much like a furnace it heats ambient air.
It may be heresy on my part but I have a very inefficient fireplace. We also like the flames, crackle & pop of an open fire. Nothing better on a cold Saturday afternoon for taking a nap on the couch.
My very efficient EPA Osburn inserts downstairs heats the house while my inefficient fireplace upstairs provides entertainment value.
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