"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"

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We don't have to change the content of our messages, I just think it can be done with a whole lot less sarcasm, ill will, and derisive tone. Criticism of a newbies plan is a whole lot easier to take if it doesn't sound so much like criticism of the person that made the plan.
If some newbie has a bad plan, we don't need to knock them down while saying "bad idea". We don't need to ##### slap them for not doing a search first.

Mebbe you don't need to, but don't include me in your maniacal etiquette schemes! If some newbie has a bad plan, I think they should have the stupid idea just pounded outta them so that they start thinking the right way.
I found this today in WTF. Somehow it seems appropriate here:

Mebbe you don't need to, but don't include me in your maniacal etiquette schemes! If some newbie has a bad plan, I think they should have the stupid idea just pounded outta them so that they start thinking the right way.

That works real well when they are working for you. On the internet, their little minds close like a steel trap, they ignore your attempt to pound anything, and then they just go do what they wanted to do. "Damned #######s at ArboristSite said this wouldn't work. I'll show them how to work off a ladder..."

So...what do you actually accomplish when you attempt to pound stupid ideas out of someone over the internet?

Here is my plan: convince them that you are worth listening to and then show them a better way.
Mebbe you don't need to, but don't include me in your maniacal etiquette schemes! If some newbie has a bad plan, I think they should have the stupid idea just pounded outta them so that they start thinking the right way.

Unfortunately I can really relate to this. However, most of the time I'm finding out thatif I stop and think for a bit. I can keep from biting their head off.
I think this whole thing could be solved easily.
We create a thread for those that may have their feelings hurt and need to be treated with care of those feelings.
We can call it 'The Kid's Glove' and PDQDL can be the mod. He can decide who can respond to post's so the OP is not offended.
I would make a poor moderator, and have no such intentions. Besides, In this whole thread I have never expressed concern over anyone's hurt feelings. I never advocated speaking anything but the truth to anyone. There is big difference between telling the truth and just bashing people. Some of you would do well to learn the difference.

The moderators here at AS are supposed to be "enforcers", not guys with kid gloves. My preferred style is to convince folks what is right, not to beat them over the head if they do wrong.

I realize some of you just didn't grow up thinking that way, but it might not be too late to learn.

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I think this whole thing could be solved easily.
We create a thread for those that may have their feelings hurt and need to be treated with care of those feelings.
We can call it 'The Kid's Glove' and PDQDL can be the mod. He can decide who can respond to post's so the OP is not offended.

Wondering if the new thread could also encompass topics like crochet and painting flowers (with pastel watercolours)?
I think this whole thing could be solved easily.
We create a thread for those that may have their feelings hurt and need to be treated with care of those feelings.
We can call it 'The Kid's Glove' and PDQDL can be the mod. He can decide who can respond to post's so the OP is not offended.

Wondering if the new thread could also encompass topics like crochet and painting flowers (with pastel watercolours)?

I would make a poor moderator, and have no such intentions. Besides, In this whole thread I have never expressed concern over anyone's hurt feelings. I never advocated speaking anything but the truth to anyone. There is big difference between telling the truth and just bashing people. Some of you would do well to learn the difference.

The moderators here at AS are supposed to be "enforcers", not guys with kid gloves. My preferred style is to convince folks what is right, not to beat them over the head if they do wrong.

I realize some of you just didn't grow up thinking that way, but it might not be too late to learn.


You just did a 180,
One's perception is one's reality.
You do care about hurting the feeling's of posters. You said so!
That is what I got out of it,,my perception.
Jeff :)
Pdqll, I want you to consider this alternative ending to Cool Hand Luke, whereby YOU are the Captain. After escaping (and being recaptured 127 times), the 9 hour film ends with Luke and the Captain being fed Pablum in a nursing home...
Is that what you really want? No drama? Bland, stale, bloodless threads that are robbed of vitality and suspense? No band camp? No capital punishment?
You just did a 180...

You do care about hurting the feeling's of posters. You said so!
Jeff :)

No, I didn't.

Not at all. Quote me, if you think otherwise.

Up till now, I have not even mentioned my reasons for trying to get some of you to quit acting like snotty prima-donnas. The last several posts have been snide, sarcastic, and poorly disguised attempts at ridicule of me and my posts; this is just the sort of crap that you guys dump on newcomers to this website.

Now that you have asked (indirectly), I will tell you: I don't really like to read the vitriol so often poured out in these threads. Your cynical, sarcastic little posts are making all of us look bad, and I would prefer to see an Arb-101 forum that actually resembled a forum where an inexperienced person could come get some useful advice. I don't want this to be a forum where the unaware occasionally venture in, deceived by the title of the forum, only to get thrashed by the "regulars" who are taking out the bitterness in their own lives on total strangers that cannot retaliate.
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Pdqll, I want you to consider this alternative ending to Cool Hand Luke, whereby YOU are the Captain. After escaping (and being recaptured 127 times), the 9 hour film ends with Luke and the Captain being fed Pablum in a nursing home...
Is that what you really want? No drama? Bland, stale, bloodless threads that are robbed of vitality and suspense? No band camp? No capital punishment?

So you are admitting that you are coming to the forum to create drama, to watch the bloodshed?

Yes. No bloodshed, no banning necessary, no suspense, and no drama. That is exactly what I would prefer. Threads that share knowledge and improve relationships between arborists. There are lots of other forums well suited to picking fights and abusing other people. Keep the hostility elsewhere.

I don't think the owners of this website want Arb-101 to be the zone of reproach, where newcomers get tricked into entering the abuse zone by the deceptive title. If they did, they probably should rename it to "Newbie abuse" or perhaps "Tree Suckers-101".

Maybe Darin will comment here?
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I would prefer to see an Arb-101 forum that actually resembled a forum where an inexperienced person could come get some useful advice. I don't want this to be a forum where the unaware occasionally venture in, deceived by the title of the forum, only to get thrashed

Like I said,, start a thread for kid's gloves!
pdqdl;4504602I would prefer to see an Arb-101 forum that actually resembled a forum where an inexperienced person could come get some useful advice.[/QUOTE said:
You are no doubt aware of the existence of "rival" arb discussion boards that can be (or pretend to be) more humane. Consider the case several months ago where a newbie on one of them asked a Arb-101 question. Except, the newbie was running a tree co, and had a website that featured photos of other climbers he had sucked up off the Internet. And the question he was asking had the answer in at least one of the photos.
It created a bit of......dissension. Some members actually coddled/defended him. And the newbie is/was quite belligerent. Then he starts another Arb-101 thread asking how to cut a tree in half and lower it cause his ex-phone co. truck only goes up 40'. Wash, rinse, repeat.
So you are admitting that you are coming to the forum to create drama, to watch the bloodshed?
Yes. No bloodshed, no banning necessary, no suspense, and no drama. That is exactly what I would prefer...Maybe Darin will comment here?

Huh? I'm coming to this thread to help you.
Dude, are you high? Read your first post and ask me how this is not so.
Jeff :msp_rolleyes:

I already asked you, and you responded with a question. Quote me, and then post a logical argument to the contrary. Otherwise, you are just picking fights you know you cannot win.
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