"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"

Arborist Forum

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I think my efforts are paying off rather nicely.

Go read the posts in the rest of this forum since I started this thread. I have not found any that I thought were intended to be insulting to the OP. All the "you need to hire a pro" comments were very straightforward and direct. I was impressed by everyone's restraint, but I thought it unwise to comment.

So far, I'm pretty happy about how this has turned out. I hope the dialogue continues.
I object to the premise that we need to do better at being on our best behavior and handle people who ask questions here with kid gloves.

It's irritation reading the constant babble on the subject that this thread was meant to stir up.

Knowledge of our trade is being passed along just fine. No changes needed.
I think my efforts are paying off rather nicely.

Go read the posts in the rest of this forum since I started this thread. I have not found any that I thought were intended to be insulting to the OP.
So far, I'm pretty happy about how this has turned out. I hope the dialogue continues.

Just so you know, that Viking dude called me a "Dope" a while ago. While that was very rude, and somewhat uncouth, what was really interesting was that I didn't cry. Admittedly I felt like it, but then put on my big girl panties, took a deep breath, and took stock in my own self worth. At that point I felt strong enough to carry on. Then RandyMac gave me the finger, which did make me very verklempt. Seriously, real life people call me stupid to my face all the time, and I'm gonna get my panties in a bunch when some dude on the Internet says it?

However..... This thread is arb 101, which implies ******* questions will be tolerated.

Slowp, if you happen to read this, and I hope you don't, I will owe you yet another apology
I think my efforts are paying off rather nicely.

Go read the posts in the rest of this forum since I started this thread. I have not found any that I thought were intended to be insulting to the OP. All the "you need to hire a pro" comments were very straightforward and direct. I was impressed by everyone's restraint, but I thought it unwise to comment.

So far, I'm pretty happy about how this has turned out. I hope the dialogue continues.

I think you tricked us!!!!!
Jeff :wink2:
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I am sorry,

None required!:cheers:

So foot ball ;
What r your goals in this. Do you want to care for trees or kill them?? Both are honorable professions. And you can do both. But its prolly best if you have a direction to head in as you can't get good at both simultaneously. ????

Excellent post, subtle pun combined with great advice. I haven't been able to rep 'ya in about a year, but I would if i could:cheers:
I think this whole thing could be solved easily.
We create a thread for those that may have their feelings hurt and need to be treated with care of those feelings.
We can call it 'The Kid's Glove' and PDQDL can be the mod. He can decide who can respond to post's so the OP is not offended.
Brilliant. :clap: