"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"

Arborist Forum

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Huh? I'm coming to this thread to help you.

I apologize then. I apparently mistook sincerity for sarcasm. I will work hard to avoid making that offense again.

Jeff apparently made the same mistake, since he "liked" it. I presume that he would not express such an opinion if he thought you were helping me out.
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I don't think the owners of this website want Arb-101 to be the zone of reproach, where newcomers get tricked into entering the abuse zone by the deceptive title. If they did, they probably should rename it to "Newbie abuse" or perhaps "Tree Suckers-101".

Maybe Darin will comment here?

So you know you know what the site owner thinks and we should follow Your example instead of speaking our mind.
You are no doubt aware of the existence of "rival" arb discussion boards that can be (or pretend to be) more humane. Consider the case several months ago where a newbie on one of them asked a Arb-101 question. Except, the newbie was running a tree co, and had a website that featured photos of other climbers he had sucked up off the Internet. And the question he was asking had the answer in at least one of the photos.
It created a bit of......dissension. Some members actually coddled/defended him. And the newbie is/was quite belligerent. Then he starts another Arb-101 thread asking how to cut a tree in half and lower it cause his ex-phone co. truck only goes up 40'. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Yep. There are lots of threads started by idiots that don't really want advice, deceitful behavior abounds on the internet. And at least a few posts are put up by newbies for no other reason than to cause the conflict I would prefer to avoid.

Bad behavior by others is no excuse for me to act poorly. My goal with this thread is to get a few more folks thinking that way too.
So you know you know what the site owner thinks and we should follow Your example instead of speaking our mind.

You aren't speaking your mind, you are making silly rhetorical questions/comments to stir up more conflict. I think that is a huge distraction from my goal, so I will treat it as such.

Jeff, you are too good an arborist to defend acting badly toward the Arb-101 newcomers. You know your trade thoroughly, and I imagine that you do a fine job of helping the newbies in your workplace. If this is just a personal issue between you and me, I will come out now and state for the record that I apologize for my "bully" comment in the past; I never intended it to give you any offense, and I regret that I posted it.

Why are you trying to distract this thread from it's purpose? Are you really coming out in support of abusive "answers" in this forum?
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Yep. There are lots of threads started by idiots that don't really want advice, deceitful behavior abounds on the internet. My goal with this thread is to get a few more folks thinking that way too.

See, you need your own thread, quit preaching, (dang hot and humid here,) but dude, really,,,,,did you take a girlie pill or something?
I always like your posts and I bet you are a good guy,, but, come on, either start your own thread or quit trying to use censorship.
We are grown up's.
I apologize then. I apparently mistook sincerity for sarcasm. I will work hard to avoid making that offense again.

Jeff apparently made the same mistake, since he "liked" it. I presume that he would not express such an opinion if he thought you were helping me out.

Dude! I love you! Dang! Quit being so dramatic! Can we not disagree with out you crying? :msp_tongue:
Just for the record, I like Pdqdl's posts, and I think he is a good guy. There; I said it & I mean it.
That Jeff guy on the other hand....you don't wanna mess with Dragnet. Or lose a hitch pin. Cause he will write you up.
The Newbies here need to ask themselves "what would Jeff do?" before they ask a redundant, dumb, pointless question about doing something Darwinian. (Darwinesque?)
he will write you up.
The Newbies here need to ask themselves "what would Jeff do?" before they ask a redundant, dumb, pointless question about doing something Darwinian. (Darwinesque?)

LOL,, I know there is a joke in there some where. Guess what? Yeah, everyone shows up early, everyone checks their vehicles and equiptment, and they also call in if they think they might be a minute late.
Yeah, I run a tight crew,, that is probably why we are a TCIA Accredited.
Accreditation | Tree Care Industry Association
I'm not trying to censor anyone; I'm trying to get people to be less offensive and more helpful. By making the forum less abusive, perhaps we can all enjoy the forum a bit more.

Look at what has happened in Commercial Climbing. There used to be a respectable collection of really knowledgeable tree trimmers that posted there all the time. I recall long dialogues about the merits of various rigging methods, tree fertilization, cabling systems, equipment comparisons. That seems to have come to a standstill; I believe it is because all the bickering drove away the better contributors. I can name quite a few members that swore they would never come back because of all the infighting. They kept their word, too.

I would just like to see that problem reduced in this forum.
Good thread Pdqdl! I think some here can be pretty harsh at times as well. My first post came across as myself being a hack and felt pretty awkward but there were the members here who were helpful and straight forward as well. I chose to listen to the positive and consider the negative comments from people. One thing that can be done as individuals we can be polite to newbie's. Thanks Pdqdl for your sincerity!
I'm not trying to censor anyone; I'm trying to get people to be less offensive and more helpful. By making the forum less abusive, perhaps we can all enjoy the forum a bit more.

Look at what has happened in Commercial Climbing. There used to be a respectable collection of really knowledgeable tree trimmers that posted there all the time. I recall long dialogues about the merits of various rigging methods, tree fertilization, cabling systems, equipment comparisons. That seems to have come to a standstill; I believe it is because all the bickering drove away the better contributors. I can name quite a few members that swore they would never come back because of all the infighting. They kept their word, too.

I would just like to see that problem reduced in this forum.

Again, one more time,, start a thread!
That "silly" word was used because I knew it would really get under your skin. It is only slightly demeaning in it's literal definition, yet I knew that a big bad tree trimmer & manager of men like yourself would find it very irritating to have applied to his own statements.

See! You guys are making me pick on helpless ol' Jeff, too.
Y'all bickering like a bunch of damn old ladies at bingo are gonna chase even more newbs away:msp_w00t:

An excellent point.

Just for the record, I have never been to a bingo game, and I don't know how the old ladies act. How is that you seem to know how they act at the bingo parlor?