After reading everything from, "use a bull dozer" or Stick of dynamite to "climb the tree with a ladder"
I'm sure some where serious and some where just being an ass.
If someone that is truly a pro could tell us/me theThe Proper step by step procedures that should have been used in this situation..
In my ignorance, I thought the man did a good job other than the Chain being dull,back cut and pissing around in the danger zone too long.
Here's what i thought i seen in the video
#1) steep face cut (i thought that was correct?)
#2) plunge cut level with face cut (i thought that was correct?)
#3) improper back cut (walking around the tree putting himself in the danger zone)
Didn't see or understand what he was doing on the back side of the tree after consulting with his buddy.
someone said he had six pages of advice telling him the proper technique ??? which tech was that? ladders, bucket truck,bulldozer,excavator,dynamite,tree spikes,or feller buncher ?????
Here's how i thought it should be done:
1. First, make the open face notch (70 degrees open or more). The hinge must be at least 80 % of the DBH, or longer.
2. At the same plane as the notch, bore cut the tree. (Always be sure to bore cut from the side away from the lean if the tree has side lean) If the tree is large enough to require boring from both sides, always bore cut from the leaning side first. Always leave enough holding wood to be sure the tree does not prematurely release. The heavier the forward lean the more holding wood is required. This is a critical step, since if you cut too far back, the holding wood fiber could rip, causing unexpected release.
3. The final step is to make the release cut BELOW the bore cut. As the cuts bypass one another the tree releases and falls. As a rule of thumb, the heavier the forward lean, the further below the bore cut the release cut is made. With severely forward leaning trees, 12 inches or more of space between the bore cut and the release cut will control the speed with which these trees will release. Remember, it is only necessary to bypass the bore cut with the release cut. Do not continue to cut once that step is completed. The longer you stand by the tree and cut wood that is already severed, the more trouble you can get into.
I though he did everything correct except the back cut, dull chain and walking around the tree putting himself in the danger zone.
I know, now that the dull chain and improper back cut was enough to get him killed
I just don't like to see when people start attacking someone and calling them names because they didn't do something correctly.
By all means point out what you think they did wrong and right, and we can all learn something that could probably save someones life (JMHI)