I haven't loaded the grill yet so ill leave it behind. Pm me the address if you will sir, I seem to have lost it. And I have no bar over 20" so large logs not necessary on my end, although I'd have a blast with them 
Sorry to hear you are under the weather, hope you be feelin better jiffy quick!
Hey Moss, Cantdog and i were planning on being there at 7ish to help with the setup. Is that still okay?
I'm actually in pretty good shape if you want to get here later, like 9 or so? I am grabbing some tables at my buddies at 7:30, so I might not be here.......that way you don't have to leave quite so early? Or if you guys are early birds at heart you are welcome here at 7am, I won't head out to get tables until slightly after that anywho.....
Hey, my number is 207-754-2178
I sent cantdog a PM, but since it is so late I may not hear back from him tonight. I will give you a call tomorrow morning and let you know what our ETA would be.
I assume you guys are having fun right now! :msp_biggrin:
Thanks for hosting, had a blast! May have been a small crowd but fun nonetheless.
I think this saw won two awards:
Ugliest prick at the gtg
Most popular saw